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How Do I Make Files Available For Download? ... No Emails Required

General Knowledge

How Do I Make Files Available For Download? ... No Emails Required

by  Heckler  Posted    (Edited  )

The purpose of this FAQ is to get around the "problem" created by the Eng-Tips no e-mail posting policy. The FAQ was created by CorBlimeyLimey in the SolidWorks Forum but I felt it would be a great resource for this Forum.

So ... If you have access to your, or your companies, Web Server, you can simply upload the file to the server & type the URL to it, into a post.

If you don't have a server you can search the web for one using free file host server. The one I use is www.MooLoad.com. It is free, no registration is required & is very simple to use. Simply upload a file, copy the URL you are given & paste it into your reply. (See limitations below) Many others require registration using your email address & even a recipients email address to forward the file to??? Those are obviously just email collectors ... avoid them ... unless you like spam.

The limitations are:

òFile names should not contain spaces. They will upload OK, but the posted URLs will not link properly if spaces are used.

òNo listing of previous uploaded files are available. So I suggest keeping a copy of the URLs in a separate Word, Excel or other-type file ... you choose.

òMax 50MB uploads.

òFiles will be stored for at least 30 days, but usually longer, depending on MooLoads server space.

òNo files to be posted which infringe on copyrights.

òNo Pornography.

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