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How do I type symbols into Eng-Tips messages?

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How do I type symbols into Eng-Tips messages?

by  drawoh  Posted    (Edited  )
Trying to show off drafting symbols in Eng-Tips messages is a pain, especially when we are discussing feature control frames (FCFs). The Eng-Tips text editor supports HTML character codes, and many of these are very useful. Instead of the HTML pointy brackets, the Tecumseh editor uses square brackets...

HTML non-breaking space: [tt]<&nbsp;>[/tt]
Eng-Tips non-breaking space: [tt][[&amp;nbsp;][/tt]]

Basically, you replace the HTML brackets! There is a Unicode pull-down menu up there, but the following list is more complete.

General Text Symbols
Non-breaking space: [tt][[&amp;nbsp;][/tt]]
Non-breaking hyphen: [tt][[&amp;#8209;][/tt]]
emdash: [tt][[&amp;mdash;][/tt]]
Euro: [tt][[&amp;euro;][/tt]] [&euro;]
Yen: [tt][[&amp;yen;][/tt]] [&yen;]
Pound Sterling: [tt][[&amp;pound;][/tt]] [&pound;]
Cent: [tt][[&amp;cent;][/tt]] [&cent;]

Alpha: [tt][[&amp;Alpha;][/tt]] [&Alpha;]
alpha: [tt][[&amp;alpha;][/tt]] [&alpha;]
Beta: [tt][[&amp;Beta;][/tt]] [&Beta;]
beta: [tt][[&amp;beta;][/tt]] [&beta;]
Ohms: [tt][[&amp;Omega;][/tt]] [&Omega;]
Mohs: [tt][[&amp;#8487;][/tt]] [&#8487;]

Scientific and Drafting Symbols
Degree: [tt][[&amp;deg;][/tt]] [&deg;]
Plus/Minus: [tt][[&amp;pm;][/tt]] [&pm;]
Times: [tt][[&amp;times;][/tt]] [&times;]
Divide: [tt][[&amp;divide;][/tt]] [&divide;]
Diameter: [tt][[&amp;#8960;][/tt]] [&#8960;]
Straightness: [tt][[&amp;#9188;][/tt]] [&#9188;]
Flatness: [tt][[&amp;#9189;][/tt]] [&#9189;]
Circularity: [tt][[&amp;#9675;][/tt]] [&#9675;]
Cylindricity: [tt][[&amp;#9005;][/tt]] [&#9005;]
Concentricity: [tt][[&amp;#9022;][/tt]] [&#9022;]
Profile of a line: [tt][[&amp;#9696;][/tt]] [&#9696;]
Profile of a surface: [tt][[&amp;#8979;][/tt]] [&#8979;]
Angularity: [tt][[&amp;#8736;][/tt]] [&#8736;]
Perpendicularity: [tt][[&amp;#8869;][/tt]] [&#8869;]
Parallelism: [tt][[&amp;#11005;][/tt]] [&#11005;]
Circular runout: [tt][[&amp;#8599;][/tt]] [&#8599;]
Total runout: [tt][[&amp;#9008;][/tt]] [&#9008;] Not very good.[sad]
Symmetry: [tt][[&amp;#9007;][/tt]] [&#9007;]
True position: [tt][[&amp;target;][/tt]] [&target;]
Centre Line: [tt][[&amp;#8452;][/tt]] [&#8452;]
Depth: [tt][[&amp;#8615;][/tt]] [&#8615;]
Counterbore: [tt][[&amp;#9176;][/tt]] [&#9176;]
Countersink: [tt][[&amp;#9013;][/tt]] [&#9013;]
Square: [tt][[&amp;#9633;][/tt]] [&#9633;]
Translation: [tt][[&amp;#9657;][/tt]] [&#9657;] ASME Y14.5-2009 Section 3.3.26
Dynamic Profile: [tt][[&amp;#8710;][/tt]] [&#8710;] ASME Y14.5-2018 Section 6.3.31

The official counterbore symbol &#9012 ([&#9012;]), works on Seamonkey, Firefox, Epiphany and Midori. It does not work on Google Chrome, Opera, or Vivaldi. Don't use this.

Thank you chez311 for some additions to the list.

Circle Cap Fonts

[tt][[&amp;#9398;][/tt]] [&#9398;]
[tt][[&amp;#9409;][/tt]] [&#9409;]
[tt][[&amp;#9410;][/tt]] [&#9410;]
[tt][[&amp;#9423;][/tt]] [&#9423;]

Do the arithmetic!

Interesting Stuff

Clockwise circle: [tt][[&amp;#8635;][/tt]] [&#8635;]
Counter-clockwise circle: [tt][[&amp;#8634;][/tt]] [&#8634;]

I tested all of this on a GNU/Linux machine running the following browsers...

[li] Firefox[/li]
[li] Brave Browser[/li]
[li] Google Chrome[/li]
[li] Vivaldi[/li]
[li] Midori[/li]
[li] Opera[/li]
[li] Epiphany[/li]
[li] Seamonkey[/li]

Box Markup

Here is another tip, thanks to chez311. There is a box markup tag!




Here are two useful links...

[li]List of HTML Entities[/li]
[li][link ttps://www.compart.com/en/unicode/category/So]List of Unicode Characters of Category “Other Symbol”[/url][/li]
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