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How can I get a free copy of Standard xxxx?

Obtaining Standards

How can I get a free copy of Standard xxxx?

by  dpc  Posted    (Edited  )
Requests are frequently seen for complete electronic versions of published standards of IEEE, NEMA, IEC, UL, ANSI, NFPA, etc.

In virtually all cases, these standards are copyrighted and not available for free. If someone sends you an electronic copy for free, you are probably both breaking the copyright law.

You can obtain electronic versions of most standards, but you will need to purchase this file, just as you should purchase the printed version.

If someone has access to a standard, they may be willing to answer a specific question you have or quote a brief passage or table. This is permitted under the "fair use" doctrine for copyrighted material.

So please don't ask for a complete copy of a standard - just go to the appropriate website and order a copy, go to a technical library, or check with the guy down the hall.
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