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This is how to post pictures in your post.

Posting pictures eng-tips.

This is how to post pictures in your post.

by  itsmoked  Posted    (Edited  )

Pictures, as they say, can be worth a 1000 words. They also make posts more interesting.

The process takes about about 10 seconds once you understand it. It's much simpler than this FAQ looks!

To post a picture:

1) Whatever you want to post, get it into one of the picture file type formats: *.jpg, *.gif, or *.png.

2) Don't make it too big, 700 wide is pushing the limits unless fine detail is really needed (height doesn't matter). Big pics make the post slower to load and can distort the page or require everyone to scroll to read each line of everyone's thread.. Not a way to make everyone reeeeal happy.

3) With the picture(s) you want in your post handy somewhere, click the picture icon above WITH THE LITTLE CIRCLE on the bottom right corner. A popup will appear.

4) Drag your picture file name onto the left side of the popup or navigate thru your directory structure to the file.

5) Your provided image is then automatically dropped with the appropriate HTML into your post right where your cursor was when you hit the picture-with-the-circle icon.

6) You're done!

7) Step and repeat for additional pictures.

A) Always add a blank line between two inserted pictures to allow some framing and reduce visual confusion.

B) There is a limit to how many pictures you can have in a post. Four seems to be about as many as one should need. If you want more do it with a following post.

C) IF for some reason you need a really big image try not to exceed about 1600W which is just under full HD width which the biggest screen widths typically are. If you put in a picture that's so wide it exceeds the user's screen (700Wide)they will have to scroll to read each line. VERY ANNOYING. To prevent that, provide your own CR/LF carriage-return line-feeds after typing about 10 words. This will allow others to read your writing without scrolling. Scrolling would only be needed to see the whole picture.

That's it.

Let's see more pictures!
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