As I prepared an excel spreadsheet to calculate various friction factor expressions (both implicit and explicit), I thought to share it with you guys, not because it is too difficult to do this but to avoid wastage of your time in writing those lengthy expressions and also the subsequent wastage of time in finding out which brace() we missed out.
Enter values of Reynolds Number in æC4Æ and e/D in æF4Æ
For Churchill Equation, enter the code of A =POWER(-2.457*LN((POWER((7/C4),0.9)+(0.27*F4))),16) in æC16 and of B =POWER((37530/C4),16) in æC17Æ
Enter the code of f =8*POWER(((POWER((8/C4),12))+(1/(POWER((C16+C17),1.5)))),(1/12)) in æC18Æ
For Sherghides equation
A =-2*(LOG((F4/3.7)+(12/C4))) in æC30Æ
B =-2*(LOG((F4/3.7)+(2.51*C30/C4))) in æC31Æ
C =-2*(LOG((F4/3.7)+(2.51*C31/C4))) in æC32Æ
And f =POWER((C30-((POWER((C31-C30),2))/(C32-(2*C31)+C30))),-2) in æC33Æ
For Moody Equation
F =(5.5/1000)*(1+(POWER(((2*10000*F4)+(1000000/C4)),1/3))) in æC39Æ
For Wood Equation
a =-1.62*(POWER(F4,0.134)) in æC46Æ
and f =((0.094*(POWER(F4,0.225)))+(0.53*F4)+(88*(POWER(F4,0.44))*(POWER(C4,C46)))) in æC47Æ
For Jain Equation
f =1/(POWER((1.14-(2*LOG(F4+(21.25/(POWER(C4,0.9)))))),2)) in æC54Æ
For Chen Equation
A =LOG(((POWER(F4,1.1098))/2.8257)+(5.8506/(POWER(C4,0.8981)))) in æC62Æ
f =1/(POWER((-2*LOG((F4/3.7065)-(5.0452*C62/C4))),2)) in æC63Æ
For Zigrang and Sylvester Equation
A =LOG((F4/3.7)-((5.02/C4)*(LOG((F4/3.7)+(13/C4))))) in æC71Æ
f =1/(POWER((-2*LOG((F4/3.7)-(5.02*C71/C4))),2)) in æC79Æ
For Colebrook Equation
Enter initial f value as 0.02 in æC85Æ
And copy the following formulae =1/(POWER((-2*LOG((F4/3.7)+(2.51/(C4*(POWER(C85,0.5)))))),2)) in æD87Æ =1/(POWER((-2*LOG((F4/3.7)+(2.51/(C4*(POWER(D87,0.5)))))),2)) in æE87Æ =1/(POWER((-2*LOG((F4/3.7)+(2.51/(C4*(POWER(E87,0.5)))))),2)) in æF87Æ =1/(POWER((-2*LOG((F4/3.7)+(2.51/(C4*(POWER(F87,0.5)))))),2)) in æG87Æ =1/(POWER((-2*LOG((F4/3.7)+(2.51/(C4*(POWER(G87,0.5)))))),2)) in æH87Æ
Generally G87 and H87 will have equal values(i.e Colebrook's equation generally converges after 4th step of iteration) and this is your friction factor for the given Re and e/D
Once you are done with making the spreadsheet, you can safely delete all those redundant rows from the spreadsheet.
Please let me know in case of any technical problem.