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Resources for Mechanism Analysis and Synthesis


Resources for Mechanism Analysis and Synthesis

by  mloew  Posted    (Edited  )
Software with Mechanism Functionality:[li]Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Dynamics. See also the PTC: Pro/ENGINEER Forum (forum554)[/li][li]LMS Virtual.Lab Motion. See also the LMS International forum (Forum829)[/li][li]MSC.ADAMS. See also the MSC.Software: ADAMS forum (forum823)[/li][li]FreeCAD[/li][li]Working Model[/li][li]MSC.visualNastran 4D[/li][li]Saltire Analytix[/li][li]WATT Mechanism Synthesis by Heron Technologies[/li][li]SAM (Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms by ARTAS-Engineering Software[/li]

Mechanism Analysis and Synthesis resources:[li]Four-Bar Linkage Analysis and Synthesis (on-line calculator) [/li][li]Four-bar linkage kinematic analysis (on-line calculator) [/li][li]Position analysis of four-bar linkage using complex numbers (spreadsheet)[/li][li]Analysis of a Four-Bar Linkage (Maple code)[/li]

Other resources:


If you are interesting in synthesizing mechanisms and are a Pro/ENGINEER user, I suggest taking a look at SyMech (www.symech.com). It is a very useful tool.
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