1. Prepare the Acad settings before you insert a drawing or part of it into Word
a. In Acad Options
Options->View->Colors->Background for Model Space etc ->White
Options->User Settings->LineWeight -> Show (checkbox)
b. On Acad command line
_viewres yes 20000
This smooths the curves - so that later in WORD they appear no worse than circles drawn within Word.
c. Acad View/Zoom
Resize the Acad view and zoom to the part of drawing needed in WORD. Easier to size here by visibility than later in WORD.
2. To copy from ACAD
Not with _copy from the command line - obviously
Select Objects: all
This can be misleading - it covers only the zoomed and visible part of the drawing and not the rest of it. "All" that is visible!
3. To paste into WORD file
a. Edit->Paste
Works fine. Circles are real circles and lines have weights. Size is as it was on monitor (Acad).
Except, if you open the drawing from within WORD and add new lines to it, lineweights become unstable - so, don't.
All options worked fine. Lineweights OK, circles smooth.
Though I suspect one of the three alternatives offered there might loose the lineweights but do not recall which one. The other two alernatives worked OK. These alternatives appear when Clipboard has something from Acad copied to it. Else, they do not show.
4. What I could not try
Word Menu->Insert->Graphic->Clipart
shows all kinds of file types to insert (even Acad2D dxf) and offers to convert them to lots of other picture file types but then fails miserably, saying, the filter for this file type is missing - retry the setup. Could not figure out if setup for Windows or for Word or for Acad is meant. The action being from within Word, I would presume...
Well, lets have a second opinion here please.
Someone out there knows better and might tell us - why speculate!