In order to efficiently use Toolbox in a multi-user environment you need to have a common area for toolbox parts. That way everyone is using the same set of parts and you wont have any fasteners getting "lost" (See faq559-654)
Normally this is addressed during the initial installation that way you are all on a level playing field...
If you and the other users have been working with the fasteners already you have a bit of a quandry.. parts in each other users directories may or may not have the same configurations within them...What you can do at this point is select and copy the most "complete" toolbox parts directory and place it on a server that you can all access.
After this is complete you can change the location by performing the following:
Open the file in the C:\program files/solidworks 2003/toolbox directory called "toolbox.ini"
Change the path under the [configuration] area to read the direct path to the new shared directory on everyones machine. (i.e ToolboxPartFolder=\\ENG\Solidworks\Standards\Toolbox Parts)
Be sure to use the UNC convention for the path "\\server_name\share_name" and not a mapped drive.
Now you will be able to share your parts.
One thing that you will all need to do before you start to operate in the shared environemt is to change the options under your toolbox browser.