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Which CAD software is best for me?

Choosing CAD software

Which CAD software is best for me?

by  mloew  Posted    (Edited  )
Which CAD software is best for me?

Please avoid making posts that try to capture member feedback to a general question like: "Which CAD system is better?" or "Is X CAD better than Y CAD?".

The general posts typically invoke responses like "It depends" to comments than degenerate into a flame war. It is far more advisable to clearly think about the following:
What are the specifics of what systems you are trying to model (mechanical, electrical, electro-mechanical, fluid systems, etc.)?
Are you looking for an engineering tool, or just a way to generate drawings?
Are mechanisms important?
Large assemblies?
Integrate FEA or other analysis tools
Are drawings going to be important?
What system are your vendors and customers using?
What industry you are in?
What type of operating system you are using, what type of network, the size of your user group, etc.?
Will you be using a PDM, PLM, etc.?
What type of legacy information do you have?
How much do you have to spend?
What do your employees know how to use?
How much will you be investing in training?

Once you have a well documented requirements list, rather than post it on an engineering forum, send it to the prospective vendors for them to benchmark against. You may also wish to engage in the services of an appropriately neutral consultant to help determine the trade-offs.

If you have any comments on this listing or why these topics should be avoiding the the fora, please send me a comment.

Good luck!
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