I tried Maple Flow about 18 months ago. I really wanted to like it, but gave up after the free trial period. It was a very primitive attempt at being Mathcad.
Lots of operations took many more keystrokes and mouse clicks than MC does, which is saying something because MC isn't super great at...
A few other gripes.
(The positives are pretty obvious, so the motivation behind listing gripes is to encourage competitors to not do these things. There seems like little hope PTC will be responsive. Also, maybe I'm wrong about some of these and there is a way to do them in MCP. If so, I'd love...
I've been using MC prime a lot for the last 18 months. In general, I like it, and use it a lot.
Biggest gripe: no way to see the same sheet in a split screen or multiple windows. Utterly f'ing ridiculous in 2025.
Second biggest gripe: The keyboard shortcut for subscript went from . to Ctrl -...
Few people have both programs. You might get more responses if you describe an example problem and report the results from both programs.
Also, can you use a classical closed-form solution to let you know what the "correct" answer is? I'd always start there with a situation like this.
If this thread goes on for a couple of weeks, it can be like the thread last year about that tiny frame that the guy probably put 200 hours into analyzing.
Because of the skate, it's obviously not unstable. Sum forces in the vertical direction and get the answer in under 30 seconds. Kinda...
Design Guide 29, Example 5.3, Pages 103 and 104 show what to do when KL/r > 25. Check it out. If you're an AISC member, you can get the PDF for free at www.aisc.org/dg.
In a nutshell:
1. Computer KL/r
2. If KL/r > 25, then compute Fe from Eq. E3-4.
3. Calculate Fn from either Eq. E3-2 or E3-3...
Does that mean you push the button, hear and feel the click, but the number didn't go in?
I bought two HP-35s and they both did that. Worked great for a little while and then that started. Probably about 10% of keystrokes would not go in. I had to watch the screen the whole time. No good.