I am designing the fire water system for a 6 story apartment building with cellar and bulkhead roof in NYC. It is light hazard and from the chart on NFPA-13, the density is .1 gpm/sf and area is 225sf. That gives me a sprinkler flow of 22.5 gpm. After laying out the sprinklers and taking...
Does anyone know where I can find any standards on type of printers are allowed in a aseptic pharma clean room enviorment?
For example something stating if inkjet is not allowed or is laser only allowed? Or maybe there is no requirements and all printers are allowed?
Thank you!
Does anyone have experience using PVDF Impeller-Driven Pumps and how reliable they are? I was hoping to find some data or research article on it. Thanks!
I have a tank that needs multiple relief valves. Is their a standard that tells me how I should arrange them? For example can I manifold them from one nozzle, manifold from multiple nozzles, or can I just simply install them on separate nozzles. I don't think it makes a difference.
Thank you for all the responses above. I asked around and was also told this "Rough rule I heard on a project was FV (external pressure) would get you about 50-60 psig internal pressure. This will also have to do with vessel size so it's just an approximation." How would you calculate the...
I found it odd and don't disagree. The only thing I can think of that might be driving the pressure is the "full vacuum". Is there an equivalent design pressure that you use when you need a FV rated tank? I don't know if this makes any sense but just trying to reason all possibilities.
We have a tank that was specified with a vessel design pressure of "45/FV" in units of psig. I was told that 45 psig was typical for atmospheric tanks. Is there a standard that states this? Why use 45 and not atmospheric pressure?
It seems like every plant has a different standard for surface finish. I would like to come up with some reasoning on why we use one surface finish over another. ASME BPE states surface finishes from SF1 to SF6. If I have a WFI tank or piping, how do I know which one is optimal? What do I look...
Hi, I am looking for WFI (Water-For-Injection) literature for design practices or standards. I am looking for pharmaceutical processing design standards in general. Does anyone know of any good books, standards, or documents on these topics? What resources do you reference when you are designing...
That link didn't exactly answer my question but was very helpful information. Do you have the rest of the standards? Some documents where referenced that would be a good read.
Hi, I need to calculate the temperature of the condensate coming out of a steam trap. The incoming steam is at 50psig saturated vapor. Is it usually assumed that the outlet of the trap is 50psig saturated liquid? I am not sure if more than the latent heat is lost across the steam trap and/or if...
Hi everyone. I had to solve a simple problem for losses in pipe. Used two different methods and got significant differences.
Pipe Surface temp, 450F
Ambient temp, 65F
Convection coeff, 5 Btu/(hrft2F)
Pipe Length, 20 feet
Emissivity, 0.5
Method 1:
Qtot = Qrad + Qcon =...