@rb1957, thank you so much for the response.
Actually I am concerned about the over sizing of the cold worked hole. The oversize could be beyond first nominal. Hence I was wondering if the benefit of cold expansion still effective in this case. The is no plan to cold work after oversizing.
I have a query related to cold working of the holes. Would like to know up to what extent the benefits of cold working can be assumed. That is to say what is the minimum distance from the edge of the hole unto which the cold working can be considered. Will there be any change in the...
Thanks for the explanation. Can you also comment on the repairability of both types of plastic?
Which of these could be easily repaired using standard techniques like lay-up or bonded repairs.
Can someone help me understand the difference between a thermoplastic and CFRP? Which of these, is a better material for aircrafts?
What could be the possible/practical challenge in certifying (under 14 CFR part 25) thermoplastic as a primary structure? Also difficulties related to repairs...
Can someone help understand the difference between a sleeve and flanged bush? What is the use of a flanged bush and this effect be achieved by some other means?
Even a temporary repair can have inspections program though not for airworthiness reasons, it could be purely for economic reasons.
Some times it is recommended to inspect temporary repairs, so that it doesn't lead to a situation were permanent repair becomes too expensive.
rb1957, I guess you are this my not appropriate forum to discuss this topic. But I was wondering how to address these performance limitations. We have already performed static and fatigue analysis, which has resulted in additional inspections program. However we are unable to address the...
I am dealing with a major wing repair. There is extensive corrosion on the top surface of wing, as a result of which repair doublers needs to be installed on the wing. Aerodynamics team also got involved to check for the aerodynamic penalties. It was found that drag count has increased hence...
I hold CVE/DAE signatories for EASA. I can tell you its not easy to get these delegations. But having a previous experience with design office (DO) can help a lot. There is no specific qualification as such (I mean exams), however right kind of experience matters.
Hi rb1957,
You got it right, this is what I was looking for. So If I understand correctly, max damage angle would simply mean that if I resolve all the stresses ( normal & shear ) along this angle, then the resultant stress would produce max fatigue damage (perpendicular to this angle).
If the component or part is not subjected to fatigue cycles or if the fatigue stresses are within endurance limit, then the repair could be safely categorized as permanent (having said that it should meet the static strength requirements). Otherwise a F/DT analysis must be carried out arrive at...
Hi VN1981,
I reckon to some extend you correct in your understanding that FAR 25.561 mainly focuses on monuments and interiors which could go loose at the time of crash landing. For primary structures and PSE like fuselage and wing (for that matter even cross beams and stanchions) there is...