Looking at the CRC I find that it is soluble in lacohol. Perhaps dissolving the alcohol in water and then clening the drums with may allow me to incinerate it without stinking the place up
Well that is possible but how to get it out of the drums ( it is the last residue) without stinking the whole city? Just opening the drum is a problem
Any ideas of an agent that will inmobilize it ( I mean so it will not be so volatile) so I can incinerate it? Or something that will react with...
Merry christmas to all. I have 470 oil drums with n-butyl mercaptan residues and four oil drums full of it.
I need to neutralize the mercaptan since none of the environmental companies here in Venezuela wants it.
Anybody out there has an idea how to neutralize the strong mercaptan odor? or how...
heck I can´t believe nobody out there has a suggestion or a procedure on how to separate the lead from the muds!!!!!!
How about you Saxon? any Ideas???
heck I can´t believe nobody out there has a suggestion or a procedure on how to separate the lead from the muds!!!!!!
How abpout you Saxon? any Ideas???
once ogain how do I contact them? I KNOW that if there is enough money people will work anywhere. But they require ermits and such.
Do they have a web page?
Well believe me I have searched for the subject and all I have found are MSDS sheets and articles about lead in general. Contracting american companies is almost impsible due to the fact that they require an specific government permit to work here in Venezuela. i have done trials in the...
yes I know the hazards involved. I´m located in venezuela and have all the necessary protection equipment. Do you have any suggestion as to the extraction and disposal method ?
Have tank bottoms ( muds)impregnated with lead tetraethyl. Have been moderately succesful in removing it from the muds with organic acids. Need to know if anybody has an idea of what to do with the lead containig acids or know a better procedure to remove it from the muds and disposing of it
I knew you would answer saxon. Nothing like a challenge
Well I´m located in Venezuela and it is very expensive to ship them to the states. The containers alone are expensive ( 6 footlong 6 inch diameter stainless cylinders with all types of safeguards). Even Though the method described in the...
Have about 30 packages of 5 each of lithium batteries ( Sulfur Chloride type). Need to dispose of them but shipping to the states is expensive plus a ton of regulations. Thought of perforating them in a controlled environment with sodium bicarbonate and then encapsulating the remains (...