I believe what you mean is not really the pump reservoir. it is more likely a compensator that will expand when oil is full and contract by means of spring to fill up the system.
I used something like this in one of my system:
but you must know the maximum weight of your load and the capacity...
Given that 316SS with CoCr and Stellite 6 was initially specified, it may have been for higher wear and corrosion resistance. However, in the context of boiler feed water, the 416SS components should still perform adequately, provided the service conditions are consistent with your assumptions.
The reservoir serves multiple purposes:
Provides a buffer for thermal expansion and volume changes.
Ensures there is always sufficient fluid available to compensate for small leaks.
Helps maintain system pressure balance.
Without a reservoir, you are at risk of overpressure, fluid leakage...
small leak is common for stackup configuration like this.
it could be due to the port o-ring that already worn out (become flat).
are you using Wanfluh valves? some of the part number seems like theirs.
Not sure why the system uses one direction c/balance only, because if you use...
Radians are not "missing" or "ignored"; they are simply dimensionless, and their inclusion in the equations is for clarity rather than for balancing dimensions.
yes you can, make sure good flush weldment.
what do you want to verify with the software? if you are making new holes (same number and size as the old ones) and removing the old ones, software verification is less needed unless you really want to and for other specific reason. to cover the old...