I am looking a transformer which has different ratings based on it being naturally cooled VS forced cooling. The nameplate states the impedance of the unit based on the transformer naturally cooled MVA value. How do I treat this unit if I wanted to model it, will the impedance change if I...
Wondering if anyone is aware on if a single phase open circuit fault on an overhead line feeding the HV side of a Ynyn transformer, 33/11kV for example, can be detected by protection on the 11kV side of the transformer?
Would the 11kV side current distribution be able to identify the...
Ok just to clarify, if operating in capacitive mode then the current is leading the voltage, and the generator is exporting with a leading power factor yes?
Why does a leading power factor result in an increase in voltage?
Can someone help me understand, in really basic terms how does a synchronous generator change the power factor at which it exports at?
I think with inverter based generation this is done by thyristors switching the current at different angles along the voltage waveform is this correct...
Can anyone advise, for the attached circuit, is the current and voltage in the metrosil going to be in phase with that of the capacitor?
In commissioning a 110V VT with an earthed neutral, if I am I getting 50V across the fuse holders with the fuses out what might be the cause of this? The cables and instruments have already had insulation tests.
Could it be an interconnection via another earthed VT on site?
I am struggling to see how I can plot a vector of a current for which the load is stated to have wattful and wattless components of 87% MW export and 50% MVAr import respectively.
Does anyone understand this?
Does anyone know what the main issues (if any) are associated with using higher voltage (such as 33kV) lines or cables for 11kV power distribution?
I am looking at using a 1:1:3 summation transformer for a phase comparison system.
For a blue-ground internal fault is it correct that if I find what the fault values are entering from each side of the circuit I can then take 33.3% of each value to see if it is above the threshold of the...
Between a L-L-G fault and a L-G fault which would you expect to give a higher MVA?
I am getting a study with a higher L-G fault level, but I though that the L-L-G fault level should be higher?
I am calculating the voltage and current flowing in pilot wires in a voltage balance protection system. The literature I am reading says that for an external fault the impedance seen is half the open circuit impedance of the pilots. Does this mean that no current flows for an external fault?
I am looking at a 22/400kV 600MVA transformer. I am looking at CT sizes for the LV side of the transformer. For full load current the current is 15745A. Is it possible to use a 16000/1 CT or does this ratio of CT not exist?