On your drawing you indicate less than 2ft. From a code standpoint, I am going to buck everyone else's opinion on this one and say that these should be pressure treated. In unconditioned crawl spaces, IBC requires at least 18" for untreated wood, this is exterior with likely less than 18" airgap...
Does my proposed solution seem appropriate?
I don't know, what work have you performed to determine if your solution is appropriate or not?
Are there specific considerations I should keep in mind?
Typically, yes shoring, installation detailing, and creep effects immediately come to mind, I'm...
For facemount connection with a wood web filler, you are not inducing any meaningful eccentricity, as you are loading the steel beam web directly. Unless you are assuming the wood filler block is directly loading the bottom flange at some bearing distance, d, away from edge of flange? In that...
I don't agree, the floor sheathing will restrain the nailer plate, which is directly connected to the steel beam. Alternatively, when we start getting into significant lateral torsional buckling deflections, any deflection in the top flange of the steel beam will then load axially into the joist...
Is the beam not fully restrained by the floor diaphragm? Is your bolt spacing through the nailer sufficient to restrain, and is there sufficient nailing to the floor sheathing to resolve the torsional loading?
You're still dealing with significant compression issues at bearing, and deflection of the existing truss due to failure at the existing nail plate. My suggestion would be to carefully jack the floor, replace the damaged web/chords with appropriately sized lumber, and find a way to field install...
I would be careful trying to repair water damage trusses, Koot and Ron may be able to get more into it that I can, but I think the combined effect of understanding the full extent of the damage, addressing the issue of compensating for the compression perp issue and 'sag' due to the moisture...
What is the issue, is this for repair, modifying existing truss, changing loading, something else? Some additional context may allow us to help a bit more. I know you are looking for general assistance here, but all you are going to get is general answers, unless you provide more specifics.
APA has a white paper on design capacity of garage portal frames, including required minimum aspect ratio of wall segments and connections, based upon testing. I don't know the document number offhand, but I would expect it easy to find on their website. One thing to note is that it is a tested...
I don't know CSA, but typically for U.S. code, I would check the NDS equation 15.4-1 and the supplemental equations. CSA code is not available online to my knowledge, but you can access the NDS code for free from the AWC website. Believe there is an adjustment of 0.6 depending on the direction...