Just to provide the relevant background info selecting the appropriate tube-side velocity is a balancing act of the following considerations:
1) Pressure drop
2) Convective heat transfer
3) Fouling mitigation (higher velocities result in higher shear stress as the fluid interface with the ID of...
When you say "ID of the channel part" I'm assuming that you're referring to the shell cover. For a TEMA "S" exchanger the diameter of the shell cover has to be a bit larger in order to accommodate the floating head cover and the backing device, which are both necessarily larger in diameter than...
I think this part would be called a Dished & Internally Flared head. Very similar to a Flanged Only head. I've never seen one before, but there are several manufacturers that make Flanged Only/Dished & (externally) Flared heads in this size/thickness range.
Split header boxes are not intended to operate independently, so you shouldn't need vents and drains on each section. I've never seen that done before.
That said, a small amount of fluid wouldn't be able to drain since the elevation of the lowest tube is always a bit higher than the elevation...
Forged SA-105 tubesheets are permitted in ASME Section VIII Div. 1 provided that all of the requirements of UG-6(c) are met.
"Forgings certified to SA-105, SA-181, SA-182, SA-350, SA-403, and SA-420 may be used as tubesheets and hollow cylindrical forgings for pressure vessel shells that...
r6155 proves once again that he's a brazen liar. Fixed tubesheet calculations are wildly complex. It would take months to write your own spreadsheet to perform these calculations.
Refer to nonmandatory Appendix W in ASME Section VIII Div. 1 for guidance on the U-1A. Specifically see item (28) in Table W-3.
The thicknesses shown on the U-1 Data Reports have always referred to the Uncorroded condition.
You can ALL CAPS "shout" all you want but the fact that TEMA now has a separate Appendix (and a non-mandatory at that) covering Repairs proves that the TEMA standards were never intended for new equipment. Table RCB-9.131 is not located inside Appendix B so it would not apply to this repair...
Please ignore r6155's comments. I suspect that he suffers from Advanced Senile Dementia, which would explain the hostile behavior and the irrelevant citation above. Furthermore he's never demonstrated any knowledge whatsoever of heat exchangers in his previous posts here.
TEMA standards are for...
"Original Code of Construction" just means if it was built per ASME Section VIII Div 1 you must follow ASME Section VIII DIv 1. It does not mean that you must comply with the original Edition of the Code of Construction (although this is usually permitted).
Subject: The...
"Your observation that there's inherent 'mystery' to the hub factors did cross my mind too... would be helpful if anyone could point to the historical basis for these. Likely a bulletin or journal entry from years ~1900-1925..."
Close, the procedure for designing flanges was outlined in...
I think you're going to have problems here. As you stated nothing in Appendix 2 (or any code for that matter) provides guidance on how to design a hubbed integral flange with the taper on the ID, so you would have to approximate it by setting g1 equal to g0. But the problem you'll have is that...
That's unusual. I don't think I've ever seen an alloy-clad tubesheet specified where the tube material didn't match the cladding material. Whether the cladding was added to protect against HTHA or some other corrosion mechanism the tubes would be left vulnerable.
Were Strength Welded...