I tend to agree that dimensional checks are ideal and I had hoped for some other aha answer. Some of the features ,however, are in relatively inaccessible areas due to assembly and they happen to be areas of interest.
This overload is unusual due to the failure of fixture in the test. Some...
Hi all
I started working on some post yielded structures problem(overloaded during test) and this is new to me. Are there any ways to detect yielding on a surface besides the "visual inspection"? Are there any non destructive testing methods that have been proven to work? I think hardness is...
I am trying to find a copy of Engineering Column Analysis - The Analysis of Compression Members by William Mccombs for a while now. Any idea how to buy/find a copy of this book? Probably publisher and author are long gone... Any leads or tips much appreciated.
Without seeing the model, it is quite hard to say since it really is dependent on loading(bending,shear vs axial). Neuber effectively blunts the stress concentration but you have to be carefeul about assuming that stress concentrations just plasticizes and plastic region does not grow or it is...
Good day, fuselage masters,
I have seen couple of really interesting frame designs on few aircraft structural skeletons.I have been thinking about certain fuselage structural elements. What are some of the benefits and cons of integral frames(inner flange attached to skin) vs floating...
Thanks for your very detailed answers sparweb.I have fea and stress analysis experience. I think I can leverage some of these skills in my assignments. I think I would prefer space or defence but civilian would be ok too. Becoming a der is probably not a path I am willing to take right now. Too...
To give some background I have about 10 years of analysis experience in total.I have worked for small companies throughout these years given a lot of responsibility.
Currently, contracting seems lucrative due to the rates and OT and dangerous due to easier fireability. Couple of questions to...
It looks like plastic strains decrease after each cycle. The unload does not increase the strain. I have also run it for some cycles to see if ratcheting stopped. It became quite small after <100 cycles. I guess it ratchets and then settles to a small plastic strain and cycles. Meanwhile it...
Hey Littleinch,I am just looking at some of the nuclear codes for guidance. There is no requirement to follow one either(aerospace). Basically, the proposed design is predicted to be yielding for the high temp differential case where the lack of flexibility of the line forces enforced...
Consider this:
Couple of T and elbow sections are seamless cold worked tubing(inco625,same filler). T has a hole cut and hole is drawn up to form the collar. How do we account for any of the thinning and residual stresses? Do they matter? If so, is there a good method to account for the...
Hi I would like to use the MSC's nonlinear 400 solver in FEMAP. How do you setup this analysis? I can only see the nonlinear static option from the dropdown menu, which I think is the 106 solver. How can I enable the 400 solver?
you might want to search for rutman fasteners.it is a solid modelling technique. initial modelling time saves you a lot of computational time.
I was trying to think of the effect of large pitch distances for single lap composite parts. Normally the pitch distance between the rows is low. What would happen if you were to increase that to lets say 10-15 in, making the joint a very long joint. Would the first row have to be sized for the...
I see. I guess rather than specializing in landing gear, it might be more beneficial to specialize in dynamic and nonlinear analysis and learn about general methods to employ for lots of other projects. There are not many new landing gears needed in the industry after all.Where I am at, not a...