Thanks for the input! For clarification its a 107in. wheel base 150 hp off road buggy. Obviously with a some math, geometetry, and a few assumptions its easy enough to figure out where the lock up point is. I've been in cars with too light of a pedal pressure as well as too hard. I just...
On a single seat 1400 lb. offroad race car what do you think would be a good brake pedal force to lock up the wheels. Its a two master cylindar system with no power assist. I was using a coeficient of friction of .8 assuming dry asphalt, which would be the highest friction situation this car...
I have a simple drawing showing my question? I checked out page 618 from race car engineering and the eq. seems to check out w/ my drawings, but they dont seem to pass the "reasonableness" test can I email them to anyone who'd like to give me thier opinion. (I dont know the protocol for emailing...
I still would like some help in the proper method of calculating the anti's for a double wishbone front and rear suspension. any help would be geatly appreciated. I would like to angle the lower front a-arm up in front maybe 20 degrees so the wheel moves rearward during compression for a more...
thanks for the info, from BillyShope's reply I think I'm figuring the anti's improperly, does anyone have any graphics or info or could point me to the right place to get more info on calculating the anti's properly?
Secondly, I keep hearing about suspension "locking up" or becoming harsh with...
I have a couple of questions regarding anti-squat and anti-dive in regards to double wishbone front and rear offroad racing cars. first they have quite a bit of suspension travel 20-30 inches total, low ride frequency, and hit a lot of bumps during braking and acceleration. It would be nice not...
I'm designing a small, one seat, motorcycle engine powered offroad vehicle. Double wishbone front and rear w/ about 20in. total suspension travel. The front lower wishbone outer pivot will be connected at spindle height to the front upright (for increased ground clearance and packaging). I'd...
you've probably solved your problem, but if you havent heres an easy way if you have a simple CAD program. in front view draw the locations of your upper and lower inner and outer suspension pivots and your outer tierod pivot location (on the spindle)repeat this for rideheight full droop and...
I had this same problem on an offroad race type truck I built. I solved it! but I did two things at the same time so I'm not sure which one fixed it. 1 I installed a hydraulic ram assist in the powersteering system, I assumed this acted like a steering damper. 2 this is what I think solved the...