Does anyone have the following article in PDF:
Gebrauchstauglichkeits- und Standsicherheitsnachweis für eingespannte Blockfundamente - Steckner Sebastian (1989),Vol 66, Num 2, pp 55-62
or some manually calculated example of block foundation using Steckner's method for block foundation (or this...
Thanks for the more detailed explanations, just what does this S represent exactly (S<<L, S=L, S>>L)?
And, if I understood correctly:
If several different forces act on the post (and not only an equally distributed load, but e.g. wind and some concentrated forces, and e.g. wind on the cameras...
Thank you very much for this example!
Can you just one more time explain me this part:
"h = Post height in feet. The actual IBC formula uses h for the force’s application height, but as ASCE 7 uses h for the fence height, the ½ h value is used in the formula below as the post strength tables...
I have already read some of the discussions on the forum. Again I run into problems using their diagrams. For example, if my example of foundations, dimensions and forces are as in the picture below, following their example of using the diagram, I get C (coefficient of post stability) values...
Thank you for this manual. I will have in mind this recommendation if I don't find any calculaton.
First, I'm trying to find an example of a calculation.
In an old literature, I found that the problem of calculating such foundations was dealt with by various people, for example: Kleinogel...
But is it the same if we have driven/bored column/pile in the ground (picture a) below) and if we have a steel column and 'more vertical' concrete foundation (picture b) below)? And what are the general limits of D/b (depth/width) ratio of the foundation in order to include the lateral soil...
I need to calculate the concrete foundation for the steel fence. I know that these are relatively small foundations/posts and that the dimensions of the foundation of the fence are often adopted according to some guidelines, but I should also attach a calculation that will prove the...