The utility I used to work at allowed the lateral deflection at the top of the drilled piers to be 1/2" for substation structures. Most stuff was in the 8ft to 15ft depth range.
For the T-line poles, lateral deflection was allowed to go up to 3".
The 1/4" is the leg size, but this is perhaps a bit more complicated answer than you realize (assuming AWS D1.1 is the design standard).
The welding symbol that you are showing is somewhat incomplete (putting the 1/4" dimension in parentheses would fix that). Typically as an engineer you are...
Are you saying you think there might be a loss in strength due to the bending?
If so, no, at least not exactly.
The steel would actually have an increase in yield strength due to cold working (strain hardening), but this comes at the cost of a loss of ductility and toughness.
The bending...
It seems to me you just explained why some states have strict 3rd party verification signing requirements. In a world where everything can be so easily duplicated, this is the one item they believe can make it a bit harder to commit fraud.
If the digital signature isn't 3rd party verified...
FE Analysis & Design:
Steel Connection Design:
Risa Connection (used rarely as it doesn't handle most of the connections we do)
Excel Spreadsheets
Idea Statica
Manual Calculations:
Excel spreadsheets
Excel Spreadsheets
Hilti Profis
PDF Markup:
Bluebeam Revu...
I don't have it in front of me right now so I can't offer too much detail, but I know section 9 of the AISC steel construction manual address this (as does section J5 of the specification, but the manual part goes into more detail I believe).
My interpretation would be that the reduction is due...
KootK, I definitely interpreted your meaning wrong on the first read - I thought you meant axial tension, I now understand that you were referring to the hoop stress, and I am right there with you.
Fatigue is certainly a concern, but I personally have never heard of one failing at a lap splice...
I feel that if they got it close, tolerance would take care of themselves. The two sections are typically jacked together with large axial forces and will tend to move as needed.
I disagree with KootK's point number one about the force being mainly tension. The moment is transferred through...
Here is an article addressing the pin designation:
I would argue that while it is true in HSS (large air-gap in the grip of the bolt), it is not the same for a typical connection that is hand tight...
Perhaps if those things are deactivated or hidden the program isn't pulling them into RAM. They are still part of the file, just aren't being accessed.
I feel like this video from "Practical Engineering" is very relevant to this discussion (or maybe this thread was started as research for this video :)):
Which Power Plant Does My Electricity Come From?
My house has a W12x45 spanning 27ft supporting a second floor bedroom and bathroom - While I wouldn't call it an issue, I have definitely felt it vibrate, if it were the living room/kitchen I would say it would be an issue.
The plans for my house showed either the w12x45 beam (which is what was...
Semi trailers are allowed to be up to 53ft, so in general, anything below 53ft can be transported without any special (overlength) permits. Obviously that does not account for local conditions that phamENG brought up. We regularly ship steel up to 60ft in length but our preference is to keep it...
You would probably get more traction in the general structural engineering forum - A lot more people frequent that one. You could put a post there with a link to this one or delete this one and start a new post.
I have always been under the impression that crushed aggregate was superior to...