I am attempting to model a liquid-liquid reactor using the RCSTR block in Aspen Plus. I would like to specify the volume fraction of "liquid 2" (i.e. one of the two liquid phases). How do I do this?
Thanks for your time,
I appreciate your reply siretb. I am also using an old version of Aspen Plus, version 12.1. I did find aspcomp.bat, and have tried modifying it to my fortran compiler.
Trying aspcomp again, I get the following error messages.
C:\PROGRA~1\ASPENT~1\APRSYS~1.1\Engine\xeq\gcpp.exe -DWIN32...
I am attempting to compile a user defined kinetics subroutine for use in an Aspen Plus simulation. I have a subroutine called ESKIN.for, based on the supplied template usrkin.f.
I understand that I am supposed to open the Simulation Engine and type the command 'aspcomp ESKIN.for' in order to...
I have had only a few hours experience with Fortran. Despite this, I wish to run an Aspen Plus simulation using user-defined kinetics in Fortran. I have used the usrkin.f template supplied by Aspen Plus to create my own kinetics subroutine. The result is a Fortran file called ESKIN.for. I...