Is it possible to simulate a ductile fracture initiated a crack using a XFEM crack and a traction separation law for the material damage initiation criteria ?
How to write in a text file the following data:
Increment 0: Step Time = 4.2613E-06
Increment 100: Step Time = 4.2613E-04
I used the code:
file.write('%s %d %s %s %6.4f \n '(frame.description[0],
How to write the frame description, Step Time and Time increment in a text file ?
I tried the following code but it does not work.
file = open("/directory/newfile.txt","w")
for frame in odb.steps['Step-1'].frames:
displacement = frame.fieldOutputs['PHILSM']
for y in displacement.values...
In the last line of the program below, what is the keywords to put instead of frame.description[1] and y.frame.description in order to display the name and value of Step Time in order to have on each line:
the TimeStep, Node and Philsm values
for frame in odb.steps['Step-1'].frames...
I tried the code written below but it does not work. I want to extract the PHILSM for each frame
for stepName in odb.steps.keys():
print stepName
step1 = odb.steps.values()[0]
#These two lines below work ok and display each frame with their values
for frame in...
I wrote the code below in order to display the frame names, but get the error message 'expected an indented block'. What would be the appropriate code to display each frame ?
allFrames = odb.steps['Step-1'].frames.keys()
for j in range(len(allFrames)):
I have written below a code in python to extract data (PHILSM values) from the output file (.odb) at Time increment=10.
How to write a recursive loop in the code in order to extract data (PHILSM values) from the odb.file for Time increment 0, 1,2,3,..., 100 ? Thank you.
from odbAccess import *...
I want to extract the position and the time at which a XFEM dynamic crack occupies a certain location. Is step-1:0 to 10 gives an indication about the time ? How is represented (coded) the time in the odb. file ?
What is the difference between 1) the static/general procedure for step-1 and 2) the dynamic/implicit procedure
in the case or a XFEM crack ? Is the time taken into account in the results generated from the first procedure ?
To test the dload subroutine, I modelled the pressure by two ways
1) Using the input file with the loads written as:
** Name: Load-1 Type: Pressure
Surf-1, P, 7000.
2) Using the input file with loads written as below and also using a dload subroutine: