our contractor has constructed tank's ring wall of slightly shorter than required, around 400mm, is there anyway to fabricate the tank without compromising the capacity.
Ps: adding an another course is little difficult at this stage.
Is these sleeves will be refilled with concrete after fixing equipment.
Equipment will be available at the site, nearly after construction of the foundation, only hand measurement is available right now, which may leads to inaccuracy.
What is the code we use to design double jacketed/skin VERTICAL TANK, specifically for cryogenic storage? As my temp is -103 C and -43C.
I thought API-620, can opt but it does not specify anything about the jacketed tank.
what are the most suitable mean of anchoring vertical columns, on the foundation to avoid any misalignment of bolts? as we are not sure about the anchor data and BOLT CENTER DIA. The equipment is sort of column, pic attached for ref. The one in my mind is providing pocket, is there any other...
Please suggest a code or ref for slope stability (slope of embankment) design for highway embankment and also for retaining embankment between two levels
I have dynamically designed a block foundation for compressor, there are four compressors in close proximity. Please suggest any code or authentic ref to check and analyze the vibrations transmittance through soil between the compressors and at what distance should i place these machines...
I have dynamically designed a block foundation for compressor, there are four compressors in close proximity. Please suggest any code or authentic ref to check and analyze the vibrations transmittance through soil between the compressors and at what distance should i place these machines...
I have to deisgn a steel structure plant having multiple floors and large area, to support multiple vertical and horizontal static equipments. I have designed all hinge connection in model and sections are in deformations nd in ratios. Please suggest me what type of connections should I opt...
It can be easily done by providing pipe Sleeve of bigger than 3". sleeve or half cut pipe will be placed at bottom and than at top and welded together afterwards
Right now I have find out the static capacity of piles based on soil data and applied load, how to determine the structural capacities/strength of Piles, like axial, shear and flexure strength