Need Help in Designing a tower crane foundation on top of steel H-Pile system: (If some one case suggest a step by step procedure would be great) I'm very occasionally used to designing tower crane foundations resting on compacted earth with known bearing capacity. It is pretty straight forward...
The problem arises when you have just two lifting points 28ft apart basically this makes the Lu=28ft which seems to be the worst condition. I've used ASD AISC9th F1-8 with Cb=1 since positive and bending moments are almost equal to approach Fb allowable. Lu=28ft allows a 19.3Kip-ft moment (with...
Awesome, that is what I was looking for. Yes, I checked the beams with a point load in the midspan that would create an Lu=15ft and other with a load at the extreme ends that would create an Lu=30ft , 10 and 8ft.
Well Well Well
I've attached a lifting beam loaded as shown, just tell me what is the unbraced length if you can.
what determines so said " Adequate lateral restrain at supports"
The only lateral restain is the lift load itself in a multi span support, for example is a 30ft beam with 15ft lugs has lift 28apart, the Lu of the beam is 28, but for a multisupport beam which has lift say every 14ft, can the...
Well, any beam which has a support that is laterally restrained can be considered as a brace. But when you have a beam with multiple lifts as I've asked I'm not sure if the intermediate support would count as braces or if I should consider the full span.
I've a lifting beam that I'm trying to design. The lifting beam is 30ft in length, which utilizes a S 10x25.4, the top lifting lugs are 15'-0'' apart located centrally and at the bottom there a T section welded with holes spaced 1'-0'' O.C for lifting. I want to design the beam for one point...