Hey all,
Looking at some old structural drawings and noticed a steel deck called out as what the pic shows.
I'm assuming the 18 signifies the gauge of the deck and the depth of the deck being 2" but I'd like to see if other engineers have come across this specific designation.
Apologies if I left that info out from my initial question. This is a residential structure with an existing 2x8 stud wall that goes up 21 feet tall. 2-story house but this wall in particular has no intermediate floors due to a high-ceiling layout. The multi-slide configuration should weigh...
Hey all,
I got a project where owner wants to incorporate sliding doors with a pocket wall. I'm having some doubts in assessing the existing foundation in Enercalc wherein:
1) For assessing existing strip foundations, would the axial loads from the trimmers/jacks to represent a localized point...
I suppose the top will be more of a slip-critical connection probably via angles and bolts. I am just having a brain-fart thinking of the connection as I have steel grating above the support beam that spans from column to column. I did a quick rough sketch below.
These are the only pics I've received from a client who is looking to build an industrial stair similar to this. Judging by the poor quality pic of the ship ladder consisting of C-channels for stringers - how are these normally connected at the landing? It appears to be "floating" and I...
Thanks for the clarification as well as adding the connection results for one side of the column. I am convinced to just proceed with designing a concrete corbel now. Also, unfamiliar with the program output but does T-V signify Tension-Shear?
I attached a snippet of the ETABS model that I have with the joist bearing on the girder while the girder bears on the columns. I believe I may have confused you into thinking that the joist goes directly to the columns.
The columns are 24"x24". To break it down further, the unfactored DL is 38 k and floor LL is 63 k. Can you express why the detail won't work for this loading? I was looking at concrete corbel but wanted to assess if this connection could handle it.
Thanks! I'll check that...
Hello all,
How would you all approach this problem in terms of assessing whether this connection can support factored girder load of a 145 kips? See sketch and my understanding of the load path. If there is also a textbook reference or similar calculation done, that would be even more helpful...
@eng-erik It's pretty preliminary, we're talking about a conceptual plan moreso of a 10% design as of right now.
@BAretired Yes I agree, fortunately the 2nd and 3rd floor are pretty similar, however, the 1st floor differs too much. It's all trial and error now in terms of placing columns...
Hello All,
I've been tasked by my supervisor to come up with a preliminary framing plan for a 55 foot tall, 3-story building that will be used as a finance center. The preference of the building is to be entirely cast in place concrete and we are in a high seismic zone. I am in a stump trying...
@canwesteng - not sure if I follow, however, your sketch looks a lot similar to the sketch of sticksandtriangles. Is this similar to what you were trying to convey? I'd like to keep the OWSJ system intact as the parapet wall at the roof level gets supported off the concrete deck. I have been...