The video I linked with collapsed facades etc was post September 2010 quake though which was much lower PGA (in Christchurch itself)
PGAs in Colombo St were on the order of 0.20g for September 2010
The photos were post February 2011 though
The PGAs exceeding 2g were very localised effects...
I think you're completely right to do 'something' but how much is required will depend on whether there is a design intent (lateral load transfer?) or just trying to prevent incidental loading
I think both X-bracing or sheathing would be fine - I've used both in my own similar designs
You could...
Apart from 2 significant building collapses, the deaths here were basically due to URM buildings and primarily their facades
So I don't agree with your flippant attitude towards that risk - given a) how many such facades Melbourne has b) the laneway culture c) large population, even a moderately...
A very interesting question and I think it comes down to "it's very complex and many things happen"
I'm assuming here that the wall is poured and is solid first and has a perfectly flat and level top - otherwise, a few mm of variation could be enough to change the whole loading distribution
Sounds a bit like Dunedin. I was reading the seismic hazard report for it one day, I think there's a ginormo faultline off the coast that goes every ~7500 years so the time-weighted risk is very low at our typical 1/500 deisgn level but, if it does go, the whole city is basically going to be...
@human909 unfortunately that shake in Melbourne a few years back highlighted that you guys are royally f'ed if there is ever a proper shake....
@ikka I forgot to say - I am not a fan of drill and epoxy for these details. It -can- work depending on your loading condition, but those bars really...
These are extensively used in NZ - page 7 & 8 of this brochure has some example details
They aren't perfect and have their risks (reduced concrete cover encourages spalling under seismic, lack of surety about grouting) but they're pretty good...
Are these cast-in or post-fixed (epoxy/mechanical)?
If post-fixed then all proprietary softwares are free to my knowledge - download one
You may have more success if you post the specific anchor you're trying to design and which clauses are causing you headaches
I have no experience with ACI requirements but our requirements aren't that brutal to follow
Can't you just do this yourself? Or use Hilti's (etc) software to do it for you?
I wouldn't rate the door itself but the frame should be designed for full wind pressures
This is both an explicit Code requirement here and also common sense
If the door fails then you'll get open internal wind pressures develop with the ULS wind and that will blow the building apart
Be careful...
I would be willing to accept the truss design subject to them providing the manufacturer's stamped drawing (to use some Americanese) and some verification of their construction (did a professional do it? did the manufacturer oversee or do the work?)
The rest of the structure would be a headache...
I am definitely your enemy on the units thing. They tried to drill that into us at uni and I refused to adopt that convention, I like the unit being attached directly to the measurement. I will die on this hill.
But we can at least unite in our hatred of anyone that wraps their units to the...
I've raised several times that I don't think shotfired pins are good here, especially as they will be needed to transfer tension if OP wants to use this for loadsharing across the deck