For this instance I disagree. Of course you have to meet strength but the minimum criteria for this situation is serviceability so the glass doesn't shatter when a couple of people lean on the rail. Additional deformation leads to additional deflections which leads to a phone call about...
Wow that column looks awful. How are you restoring capacity to the vertical bars? In lieu of ties you could pour new concrete around the column and wrap with FRP to provide confinement.
Regarding the reduced lap for ties, I'd make them correct their mistake. When doing...
Why 16"oc for roof framing? Reducing the number of rafters will save more money than worrying about the cost of hangers. Increase your spacing, up your IJ series or even increase framing depth. The arch may appreciate more depth for insulation/venting anyway.
In my world (commercial/institutional wood framing) 1600 lbs is pretty light. I've specified HUC's in this configuration many times for much higher loads and I'm not losing any sleep. The concern about splitting is a valid one, especially if the carrying member is existing which is why I...
If you are talking about what loads you use for concrete anchor design for wind or what you would enter into something like Profis, it is an ultimate level load (LRFD).
In table 12.2-1 timber frame is listed as a cantilever column system G6 not a bearing wall or building frame system so it doubly does not qualify for simplified method.
A 4" long "pole barn" spike is just a large nail. Likely 20d. Sometimes ring shank or spiral sometimes smooth. Pole barn spike isn't a clearly defined term and varies by region.
Run the 2x purlins from frame to frame. This gives your MF beam full length bracing. With shop weld hangers, it's way easier to erect as well. You can eliminate the steel ridge and replace the steel "top plate" with wood.
Then you might have to get back out there with a laser or string line. Even if there is a pad you may have differential settlement. I'd probably stick a crack gauge on the wall and have the owner monitor it for a few months. If no further movement just patch it.
You have a lot more faith in...
The quality of construction gives me clues about the cause. From the quality of those piers I expect that there is one bag of sakcrete under them, therefore, no pad. For 6 kips you likely have differential settlement of the pier relative to the continuous wall footing.
I don't think that...
Agreed that it's a PSL. I don't think it looks that bad. If it had sat out in the rain for too long I'd expect a lot of twist but it looks straight enough. Cracks in the gyp board are more likely linked to the crappy piers than the beam.
That means the end wall post is in net compression.
Net tension therefore a holdown is required.
I'd encourage you to draw a free body diagram and run a handcalc on the shear wall for overturning. This will help you better understand the software output.
I don't think I agree with that statement at all. The whole purpose of ASCE 41 is to evaluate existing buildings which are undergoing modifications.
You will need to conduct your own determination if a rehabilitation/retrofit (which is specifically defined in ASCE 41) is required.