This exactly my plan, create path on CAD model and send it to my model shop. There is one problem I am facing. When I project the sketched lines they are ending up on the other side of the surface and I am not sure how to trim it. I know how to trim the cut but I could not figure how to...
Unfortunately it does not do the job. Imagine the plane that is perpendicular to the axis of toroid and cuts it, say through the center of the section, that was used to create revolved feature (see pdf file attached) Just like you cut your donut or bagel to put some smear on it :). Now...
It looks like it can be both.
I was hoping to create single sweep. Imagine sweeping volume not a 2D section (like a ball cutter) tangent to the curve but perpendicular to the projection (in the direction of the cutter)of the curve. This would mimic real machining (3 axis). Can it be done in...
This is exactly what I did and created very expensive part that can be made only with 5 (some vendors claim 6) axis machining.
With 3 axis only, the problem is transition (intersection) of upper and lower halves
I would like to create machine cut in Pro E that would mimic ball-- end cutter. I need to make "kind of helical sweep", just like on a lead screw but my "screw" does not have circular cross section but triangular and it is not straight but full donut. I created this geometry but it is very...
We are using vendor's driver but if I give you their name I would be saying they have incompetent technical staff.
Better not :)
..and the last part of my previous post should be
"divided by 5 not to multiplied"
We microstep by 10 to get 1 µm resolution. I am just checking the numbers because we are asking the system to do more than it is design for.
Appreciate your comments.
If it would be up to me I would never use it.
After converting to RPM i actually answer my question, it needs to be divided by...
Thank you for your replay. Just to give your more background. We are using vendor's driver. The motor size 42 is lifting 15 lb making very short moves 0.76 mm in 0.15s (almost continuously).
When I contacted vendor with the same questions they told me to lower the torque ( I am reading...
I am trying to read the torque carve for stepper (pulse frequency vs torque). The curve is for half step (micro-stepping by 2), we are micro-stepping by 10.
If my pulse frequency is 5000 do I check torque for 1000 (5000/5) or for 25 000 (5000 x 5). 10 microsteps by 2 microsteps = 5...
Yeah, I like to torture myself. It came with the systems and yes we are thinking about Stainless Steel one. I am wondering if the rigid coupler is the best choice for this application. Will the flex coupler be a better solution. Anybody has opinion on the subject?
Need some help with failing coupler. We have rigid coupler between ball-screw and a stepper motor. The coupler failed four times so far. Two times the clamping screw got loose and the shaft came out of coupler but two times coupler was sheared.
This is a custom coupler made of Aluminum and I...
We are laser cutting flat gaskets from silicone rubber sheet. What is the best way to clean ashes from the edges of the gaskets. We were trying ultrasonic with DI water but results are not very promising. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Die-cutting is probably better solution...
Hi Cor..
Thanks for the tip. It worked but not exactly. Now I do not need to run regedit, I can just click OK and it will load itself. It's annoying but OK. May be there is something else I need to change.