Surface of profiles with datum controls shape, size and orientation, while surface of profiles without datum only controls shape and size. The feature with this feature control frame is free to move in space of your coordinate system.
Thanks, 3DDave! But, if I use a profile tolerance of [1000 (U) 0], I'll have to inspect both USL (upper specification limit) and LSL (lower specification limit). I want to inspect USL only. How do I nullify this LSL?
Yes. It is derived from another feature in the assembly. Center line of this feature is coincident with centerlines of many other features. That is why 26 MAX. is no good. Sadly, there is no GD&T equivalent to 26 MAX.
No, I don't have a control for the MIN. It can be as small as "zero".
My issue with dimension 26 MAX. is that there are a lot of center lines. It is not clear which center line this dimension is associated with.
I can't do that as I don't care how small this dimension is. I just want to control this maximum dimension.
This dimension must be < = 26.
Basically, I am asking what is equivalent to 26 MAX. using GD&T feature control frame.
I have a feature size of a block. I need to control distance from end of the block to a datum "A". How do I use profile of surface FCF to control max. distance to the datum?
Your parts (part 1 and 2) have no relationship. Why do you want to force a relationship? What you are after is revision record of their parent assembly.
Putting in more intelligent characters into part no. causes redundances. You may want to read this technical research report...
Well, each feature shall be toleranced per ASME Y14.5-2018 section 4.1 (a).
Also, direct tolerancing on the dimension is NOT exclusively used on FOS dimensions.
Dimensioning and tolerancing shall clearly define engineering
intent and shall conform to the following: