I believe the glass breaking is precisely the requirement for a top rail in glass guard applications. In the event the glass breaks while preventing a fall, the top rail is supposed to provide the fall protection.
A couple of people leaning on the guardrail will not cause the level of damage...
As long as it protects someone from falling, I don't really care if there's minor deformation of those tabs personally. I liken it to other life safety things like fall arrest. There may need to be repairs after a fall event, but as long as it adequately prevents the person from falling, job...
If you have no corner bars, what's stopping the walls from creating cracks there?
Also, where I practice at least, any wall 8" and thicker need 2 layers of reinforcing, one on each face.
Lastly, if the vault is intended on being fluid retaining, you may want to look into the codes regarding...
I feel based on the "...follow AASHTO if serving two or more residences..." and the "...serve the members of an HOA for a MULTIFAMILY complex..." means you must do this properly. Engage a civil/hydro engineer to give you the data you need for water levels, engage a geotechnical engineer for...
I once was called out to a "shed", it was 40 feet x 100 feet for an insurance claim of a collapsed roof. When I get to site and talk with the property owner he said he was working in the shed, heard one bang, then a series of bangs as he was running out of the shed. I asked him where he got the...
I would be adding wood blocking between the flange and the lagging during the second excavation, or a steel appendage akin DaveAtkins suggestion. Depending on how critical it is on the first side, you could potentially just let the lagging move from the one side of the HP to the other while...
You can get insulation with the load carrying capacity required for semi loading. Hockey arenas employ this regularly. Check out Hi-100, which is rigid insulation with a allowable compressive capacity of 100 psi.
Details A and C don't appear to brace the top flange appreciably. Detail B, if the notches are cut tight does. Especially if you drill periodic holes along the length and put some screws into the CLT below.
If you have a way to brace the top flange of the beam, the design of it would be no...
I am a stickler for it being shown properly. To me not following proper convention is just lazy drafting. They all like to live with their Caps Lock on, but they can turn it off or press shift to make the lower case work.
I'm more in the camp of trying to confirm the existing footing size. It would be odd that it would be a different size than the rest of the perimeter footing in my experience. Most home builders I've seen prefer to keep the perimeter footing one size all the way around. It removes the chances...
dik, I believe they're talking about those two loads specifically don't need to be acting concurrently, i.e. the 0.9 kN and the 0.7 kN/m are separate.
But I also agree with others that it doesn't need to be considered acting concurrently with the 5 PSF (0.25 kPa) interior partition load...