Wow, a different building in Florida had a roof collapse today -
"Crews are responding after a part of the roof of an apartment building in northwest Miami-Dade collapsed Thursday. The...
tmwaits1, the north building isn't quite identical in that area btw. If you watch the north and south tour videos, they seem to show a different layout for the beams and the step down to the pool deck.
Tropmet, it is definitely not too large to be a planter.. also, no column exists in that...
Penagwin, yea.. you're right. I think I got complaints from customers anytime it neared 200-300ms. Any sort of intermittency (different latency times in packet arrivals) tends to really mess up those streams too and makes them hard to understand. That ones nice and clear though.
In that video I...
Tropmet, I would go watch the video again really.. analyzing the photos from tiktok on their own isn't really as clear - The first half is the video I grabbed my drawing from too. That thing you're pointing as is probably a white planter, that's...
clouditguy, many years ago.. I was actually a VOIP technician and I know a ton about the related protocols. SIP is only used to initiate the stream, and most likely it's actually transmitted with something like RTSP instead. It can transmit video and audio at the same time, and RTSP is UDP...
zebraso, all I saw there was a black spot.. that's actually what drew my attention to it, was how dark that spot was. I think the back wall of the garage looking green in most videos is kind of proof of how crummy that camera is really. The entire back of the car looked completely in tact too...
zebraso, the maroon car I was referencing is further back in the garage.. in spot 39. It was very flat when they pulled it out, it was late yesterday. It's a comment about this pic though, from further up in this thread.
The full 45 minute recording of 911 calls was released -
It's interesting how the first person who calls in calls it an explosion at 1:16. Saying it sounded like an accident made a lot of sense, especially since part of that slab looks like it fell on...
I edited the Ring video to have a more realistic (but very hypothetical) tilt, and tried to end it with the least tilt possible to cause the table and camera to slide across the table/floor like they did. This really doesn't capture how much the room is leaning towards the camera by the end, but...
The hanging photos in the ring video seem like they're just getting pushed over by the wall.. and not everyone hangs photos with a regular hanger anymore btw. I only use wall velcro in my house, so my photos will never tilt. But that glass (of water?) on the counter is interesting.. seems to...
Here's a copy of the ring video from twitter too btw, in case you guys want to mess around with the original locally.
I created a slowed down version of the CCTV video and attached it this post. There are a couple of these on youtube but they seem to be re-transcoded so they aren't that good of quality. This one was slowed down by a factor of 4 and wasn't re-transcoded so it should be as close to the original...
A new youtube video was added of the building too, it's very short and from February. It just shows the external parts of the building -