I use the KBS connectors a lot on knee braces and haven't heard any complaints. But we are mostly using them for raised A/C platforms, short roof eave overhangs, things like that. I can't tell you the last time we specified knee braces for primary support on a deck or structure like a carport...
I (we) almost always used Ram Elements shear wall module for design (ASD). In-plane, out-of-plane, vertical loads, openings, etc. put it all in there and let it go to work. Biaxial bending often controls. It's very user friendly, details reinforcing around the openings and provides a nice little...
I feel like I've seen Koot detail a very similar thing on here. It might've even included extending a plate from the bottom of the carrying beam to include more bolts. I might be making all of this up, but Koot has uploaded about a billion details on here so statistically my odds are good.
I asked AWC a similar question a few years ago regarding old vs new wood values and they did say that main driving factor is how the testing is performed, but that also younger wood being used today vs in the before times was a consideration as well.
We usually do something similar for steel beam to concrete column connections. If it's a retrofit detail then instead of embedded anchors it's Hilti's.
I never see this detail around here so interested to see what others say. Brick veneer is so rare for residential these days, but when it is used (usually in tract style neighborhoods), it's the whole house. Anyone that does a short veneer like this does stone.
I have not seen this exact thing from a PEMB building, but in the last year we've received 3 or 4 requests to sign & seal European (I think two were from Turkey) house plans all along the barrier island by me. There must be a salesman in Seaside or something. They were all custom extruded...
I think I'd just offset the joists a few inches on one side of the wall instead of doing a weird detail. Seems easier than proving this works on paper and then hoping it gets installed and performs as planned.
Small residential is just like anything else IMO. You can get killed on a $250k commercial project or a $1250 kitchen beam project. But the advantage of the lower fee is that if you spend double the time on a house project, it's not really that much time lost. Maybe you assumed 2 hours and it...
We require deposits for bigger jobs.
But for $950 house-report jobs I am flexible. Most people will write you a check that day. I know some engineers who require the payment ahead of time, but I'll invoice people when the report is done probably 30% of the time. I've had maybe 1 guy not pay in...