Example soil profile:
0-15' Sand
15-20' NC Clay
20'+ Sand
You excavate to 10'. Replace with material that weighs 1/2 of much as the excavated material.
Can you assume the clay layer will behave as drained? It seems like to me it would partially depend on how much time is between the...
I feel it is reasonable to model the MSEW as infinite strength in most cases, as the lowest failure circle is not going to go through the reinforced zone.
Looking for advice on how to model a global check of back to back MSEWs in a software like Slide or SLOPE/W. Specifically, how to set the search limits.
Example for discussion... 20' back to back MSEW. 15' between each walls reinforcing straps. 15' > 20' x 0.5 Per FHWA, active thrust can fully...
Have several adjacent CPTs and SPTs at a site that are showing clay like behavior in the CPT and then classifying as low PI sands in the SPT. Any ideas what could be the cause of this?
Trying to wrap my head around this concept.
Comparing driven piles vs. drilled shafts my understanding is this:
Drilled shafts you typically account for either end bearing or skin friction. For skin friction to be mobilized, the end bearing must be "overcome" to allow enough movement (approx...
Any references or personal experience you can share?
1D Consolidation - Using the Modulus of Compressibility (Mv), Constrained Modulus (M), and Poisson's Ratio (v) to determine E.
Triaxial - Using the triaxial stress-strain curves to determine E. How to make sure you are determining E that...
I know Energy = Stroke Height X Ram Weight.
I am curious how pressure is calculated in the Hammer Parameters. For example, in the GRLWEAP hammer table a pressure (psi) is provided for each reduced fuel setting. How is this calculated?
If I am provided a fuel setting of energy XX (k-ft) from...
Late to the discussion but regarding whether to expect immediate vs. consolidation settlement...
In my area we would roughly base it on the following: Less than 20% fines then we would assume immediate settlement. More than 20% fines with a PI less than 10, immediate settlement. More than 20%...
fattdad, thank you for the reply.
I understand that as the engineer we should be determining these parameters, that is kind of what I was getting at.
I am wondering the correct way to determine the Total stress parameters. I have been seeing others using the same method to get total parameters...
If I receive CU triaxial lab results showing both effective and total stress strength envelopes, with c & phi provided, based on the angle formed from these envelopes, are the total stress parameters accurate?
GEC 5, Page 7-25, Section 7.4.3, 2nd Paragraph
" CU triaxial tests cannot be used to...
I was told at pile penetration resistances over around 10BL/in. you are likely not fully mobilizing and your PDA is likely under predicting your capacity. Can anyone confirm or deny this? Does anyone know of any good sources of research on this topic?
As you already know, surcharge and drains would be the most common method. Much more expensive but we have used soil mixing techniques to mitigate large settlements when we did not have time to wait for the drains and surcharge to do their thing.