Great advert for Waymo (who they ?) who seemingly can't control their cars remotely. I wonder if the guy ever got out ?
Bird management is a well-practiced operation but birds still appear when not expected - the Hudson airbus was an example. I used to work with a team who 'designed' bird management for airports around the world and the main guy said that basic things (like having a nice large pond in front of...
Can you guys keep to the topic please ! I'm not interested in reading about traffic jams you get in to, this part of the forum is about other stuff. Perhaps the moderators can remind people of that ?
Surprised this one hadn't made it to these pages as yet :-
JohnRBaker (Mechanical)(OP)10 Nov 23 17:21
Actually, I suspect that it was the other hanger, Hanger #2, which is still standing, was where the aeromodellers were allowed to perform.
Your suspicions are incorrect.
This was a historical hanger for aeromodellers like me with many world records set, some in very recent years,inside it's volume. There are few available hangers for high ceiling flying and this one was highly prized due to it's benign conditions.
If you just want to plot the contacted elements then you can use the Select Elements menu and then plot the selected items. You might want to create and run a small procedure fil eif you need to do it a plot - there isn't a direct way as far as I know.
You could plot the contact status then go into the Select Elements menu to just display the contacted elements. You can then use Length Area & Volume Calculations to work out the contacting area. There may be better ways of course.
If you know the length over which the axial shortning occurred then you'll have stress v's strain that you can use in a tabular form.
I'd suggest you post this question in the general FEA section as it isn't specific to MARC, but materials testing.
One satisfied customer here :-
Check out videos of the blade in action, very impressive.
Mind you, when I was demo'd SimExpert it wasn't well enough developed for my application.
I am modelling a circular structure subject to tension and bending loads. I need to use equivalent material properties due to it's complex internal structure and the surrounding components that are also being modelled. I have some test data for axial, torsion and bending stiffness but certainly...
Please explain; do you want to terminate a loadcase yet keep the job running ie skip to another loadcase ? If so, I don't see how you can do this and why you'd want to do it.
Can't be too specific I'm afraid but my benchmark problem involved contact of hundreds of parts which itself causes most FEA solvers to fail. For example, we have had many individuals claim that you can do it Ansys (implicit) but the latest one, a UK help desk veteran, couldn't get it...