What would you call this white stuff on the walls? Some sort of mold? Also, what causes a spall like this, just a bad outer coating?
Its a basement with water issues (standing water on floor). Seems they but a parge coat over the wall, now chipping off. Im thinking its a stone foundation they...
So a resident had a local basement wall company do a inspection, and engineering for a repair. The engineer that stamped it didnt come out, just went of the company rep that looked at it. They got drawings, got a permit, but their mortgage company wont sign off unless a engineer does a...
Thanks. The K factor is a good point.
I didnt realize there was a model merge too. This is the first 3D type structure I am doing. Probably would have saved me hours. I need glasses.
Im doing some practice modeling a framed building in Risa. For now, I have moment frames each direction. When I just run the self weight model, it gives me wacky results. Im using pin pin at the base.
How do I get "Releases" so I dont end up with the phantom results, and suggestions?
Thanks all. This is the first time I have had a building department comment on it. The submitted detail was insulation that tapered to the wall/slab interface, but they rejected that.
If the past, the detail has always been insulation up the inside wall and under the slab. This is the first job that insulation has been spec'd to be vertical to the top side of the slab. Either we (me, architects) have been doing it wrong, or their was a change in the code.
I contacted Tapco (they make the Akron adjustable columns) for info. I asked about the top plate size, and hole location.
I was told that is information they are not able to tell me at this time. They dont know what they make.
Guess I am not specifying their columns.