I understand what you're both saying, but as I am being asked to essentially verify the datasheet, can I use a circuit other than an actual open loop circuit to prove open loop gain?
It has been a very long time since I graduated and now work in a component dedication lab where I have been asked to verify the characteristics of an op amp. Most of this I can do without too much stress, but I have been unable to find a solution that makes sense to me for measuring open-loop...
Ok. First, I am new to the field of electromagnetic compatibility. I am an EE who was voluntold to take over the EMI/RFI lab where I work. No experience.
I have the basic knowledge after reading a lot of the IEC and MIL-STD documents on EMC, but I am at a loss on some of this and I need some...
The installation is to be single phase, 120/240. The load I am currently looking at is 50kW (10 kW per dwelling, 5 dwellings) in a new subdivision. The power feed is from a 100kva xfmr (there are 5 other dwellings on the load, but I am not looking at those at this point).
The cable I was told...
I am doing conductor voltage drop calculations for a new subdivision. The secondary from my pad mount transformer is -probably- going to wind up at 350kcmil, but I need justification. I have 2 pedestals downstream from my xfmr. Each is feeding 2 single family dwellings with an estimated 10kW...
Right, yes. Thank you.I have been going back and forth among C2, NFPA70, NFPA70E and NFPA70H. I cannot find specific information for clearances from grade. Everything else, but not that. That's why I asked. It seems odd that they would go to such great lengths to identify all other variables...
I think you answered my question. I was asking about the clearances for the meter socket. I was told that the meter should be installed between 4' and 6' from grade. I could not find the reference to either in the code. I found that according to section 110.23(A)(3) that the height of working...
I am looking for service entrance clearance requirements.
I have found the minimum vertical requirements above grade, stuctures etc. for the service conductors. (225.18, 225.19, 230.24 & 230.26)
I have also located MOST of the working space requirements for the meter socket (110.26)
What I...
Ok, no dramatic way to ask, so I'll just jump right in.
I have in front of me as I write copies of IEEE C37.20.3 and C37.20.2
Outside of some minor differences in ratings and the rather lengthy definition atributed to MC gear, I can not find a significant difference between the 2. So, is there...
Ok, so I see that a regulating transformer would have some sort of secondary control to maintain the turns ratio so that whatever voltage is applied to the primary, the secondary voltage remains within some sort of band.
But, again, if all transformers are, in a sense, isolation devices (agin...
I don't understand the differences between types of transformers. Specifically, what are the differences between isolation transformers, regulating transformers, and power transformers.
I was under the impression that ANY transformer, with the exception of autotransformers, were isolating and...
This is what it is for:
The pulverizer is , as I suspected, for grinding the coal to be injected into the burners. The plants I am working on are switching to a higher blend of PRB coal and so they want to cut down on the amount of dust in the ducts near the pulverizers. Hence, the fogging...
I have no idea what this is and I was hoping one of you folks could explain what pulverizer fogging is with respect to a coal fired power plant. Can anyone give me an idea of what this is exactly?
I would ask around my office, but frankly I would rather appear ignorant in front of people I...