I am trying to use a string parameter in the properties feature name field so that later name changes can be simplified into the change of one parameter which will affect all locations where that name is referenced, such as open body name, geometric element name. I have an aircraft skin that has...
We've found that once material is added to a catpart, a material parameter appears in the parameters node of the tree. If and when we remove material from the catpart, the material parameter remains with a value of 'none'. We can't delete that parameter. Obviously, it's not a big deal; but, we...
We have received 3 of the new Dell Precision 690 64bit workstations to run catia. One of our problems is that our IT group has had to configure them back to 32 bit until we get some other applications set up for the 64 bit. We expected at least the same performance of the old workstations; but...
Our tools already have a shrink factor of .99998. The Spring-back is yet another factor that is incorporated into our aircraft tooling depending upon the shape of the part. On parts as I described, a horse saddle, from the center-line to the extreme lower edges can be in the range of .25". Let...
Our tooling group has the task of creating several 'Sprung' surfaces for composite tools. These 'Sprung' surfaces will compensate for the shrinking that happens during the curing process. We do it manually; but, it is time consuming and tediuos to get it accurately. These are not simple ruled...
Thanks Ocad
I had the switch on within the FTA; but, I thought that would have been modal and carried over to the other workbenches. It wasn't. Like you said, once I added that query switch to the annotation toolbar for part-design and turned it on, the hidden text was there. Thanks again.
I've tried using the 'Hidden Text' within the FTA flag note window which causes a text window to pop up when you place the curser on the flag note. A good way to see what the note is without having to go to the parts list to read it. Much to my surprise, while doing a review on a part in our...
If I understand your question, I've been able to acheive the view clipping that I want by way of 'Breakout View'. The cube with the corner broke out. Select the Icon, trap the area that you want hidden by indicating multiple points which will create your psuedo spline (joined line-segments), a...
Let me add some more detail: My aim is to intersect a surface within a sketch, offset the intersection with a law (to acheive a variable offset), and then use this sketch with 'Adaptive Sweep' to create the variable offset surface. I've done something simular with adaptive sweep to create a...
I want to offset a curve within a sketch based on a 'Law'. This will give me a variable offset results. I believe this how I created the control curves for spring-back tooling sufaces in V4, it's been a long time though. I haven't found a way to use a defined 'Law' in a sketch for offset curves...
I wasn't very clear on the original post. The picking hidden elements problem is in the measure function; such as selecting a hidden surface from the tree to measure to picked points on a solid. I've had to pull the surface into show, pick it, then hide it again so I can select the points on the...
We've upgraded to V5 R17 some time ago and have found that we cannot select an item from the tree if it is in 'Hide'. I believe we were able to select these hidden elements from the tree in R15 and R16.
Is this a setting thing somewhere? I've looked and cannot find one. Is this something new in...
Going from memory, I believe if you change the extension to '.exp' and then use the Catia V5 utility "ExtractModelFromSequential" it should come in.
Good luck.
We use a sub-product within our Assembly product to hold all of the fasteners for the parent Assembly. We actually call it out with the same Assembly part number and add '_FST' as a suffix. We use a utility to 'Snap' the fasteners into place (Aircraft assemblies generally have lots of...