See attached image, can i ignore the 2nd effective circle and draw a steeper failure envelope connecting the 1st and 3rd effective circles (blue)? What are the reasons of when that can be done or not allowed or not recommended?
Let's say I have sinkholes at 50' and I want to build lightly-loaded buildings that the loads will not be anywhere near the sinkholes. Minimal grade changes. Clayey soils over limestone bedrock. No sign of sinkhole in the neighborhood but there are reported depressions in greater nearby areas...
Liquid limit tests are required to be performed before and after oven-dried for organic soils; however, ASTM 4318 (Atterberg Limits) does not specify the temperature to dry the soils for the after-oven-dried liquid limit test on organic soils? Is it the typical 110±5 Celsius (to burn off water...
In Slide2, is it realistic if the concrete piles are modeled with high cohesion (half of unconfined compressive strength) and high phi? I feel like that will completely ignore the possibility that the failure surface can slice through the concrete piles and render the analysis unrealistic
ASCE 7-22 states "Classes A and B shall not be assigned to a site if there is more than 10 feet of soil between the rock surface and the bottom of the spread footing or mat foundation." If my measured shear wave velocity is greater than 3000 ft/s (minimum requirement for Class B) but only half...
How come some drillers avoid rock coring? Is it because rock coring requires experienced drillers? If yes, how so, what are the disadvantages in rock coring comparing to soil drilling from the driller's point of view? Or is it because they're afraid of losing expensive equipment down the hole...
Florida passed a new law last year requiring condos to have milestone structural inspections. Any of you guys performing these inspections? How often do the buildings require a Phase 2 inspection? What types of destructive/nondestructive/lab testing do you typically do for a Phase 2 Milestone...
How do you guys use to quantify inclusions such as organics (roots, leaves, branches), debris (brick, concrete, asphalt, metal, trash, etc.)? FHWA guidelines use "with," which does not quantify to paint a picture of the amount of inclusions encountered
Thank you Jae. Can you assume column bay of 20'x20' for the column load? Typical wood-framed apartment building. I'm just looking for a ballpark number.