The AFC is more like a frequency fine tune method with switch time of several us. My LO has 240MHz adjust range with step of 1MHz. So if I can use MOS SPDT between two Fractional-N PLL with the speed of 20ns with isolation of 60dB, the circuit is greatly simplified. But during rise-fall time the...
My current solution is Generate it at DDS and then modulate on L-band, then up-convert to X-band. This solution need a lot of components include a dds, two PLL, two Mixer and lots of amplifiers and filters and attenuators.
Because the 2FSK modulation is two simple, I'm wonder if there is...
Hi, do anyone has the experience of DSRC on board unit design? I'm looking for the state of art product.
I only see Savari's website. Do there any system exactly base on the latest IEEE 802.11p amendment 6?
Oh, Ubiquiti also ready realized the same thing in parabolic antenna, but they call it 2X2 MIMO without diplexer. It is base on HDD(hybird domain diplexer), including both FDD and TDD. And it can obtain a unbalanced air port capacity.
Yes, you are right. It is difficult to realize an EVDO USB Modem without SIM card. That is to say if I can't setup a route to the SIM card inside through lightning connector, the only way is to capture SIM infomation in air. So it is preposterous.
I always appreciate your system advices and the Higgler's design tips, you are the tutors here. But you know the client's demand is everything, they always believe 'Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real'. The fact is Samsung is expelled from USA's smartphone market due to the bit...
Dear friends
Now I'm doing a project to add the third RF path to Iphone5, for it can't accomplish the task of SVDO (simultaneous voice and EVDO). This is a big problem for subscribers using Verizon and Sprint's network.
You may know the orientation of antennas on Iphone, to describe it clearly...
Do anyone noticed the new technology of gap waveguide? I don't expect metamaterial go that far. It seems this type of waveguide is suitable for integration of MMICs and antenna above 30Ghz.
But I don't see any large antenna array realized in this technology. It mostly appeared in Gothenburg's...
I was interested in the echo cancellation topics, because either the double reflection of the feed line or the multipath reflection can be viewed as echo sources.
I want to explain the system with more detail. For Eband(71~86G), the pathloss is 92.4+20*log80Ghz+20*log2km=136.4dB, and each...
In microwave and millimeter communication, diplexer is used for division of TX and RX. But one of our supplier provide a solution by two high isolated side by side subarrays. By the 75dB~90dB isolation(with same polarization), the diplexer can be obviated. I guess this merits is obtain by...
Is there anyone familiar with Artificial magnetic conductor(AMC)? I'm design ultra-low profile antenna in UHP, I need this material to use as ground plane. In this paper the AMC is manufacture by a dielectric substrate MCT-25 with relative dielectric permittivity 25 in 2.54mm thickness.
Yes, I already have the mathematic inductive field interaction model. But the buzzer is outsourcing item, the electrical and mechanical parameter is very hard to calculate or simulate.I want to figure it out by relative test method.I thind it's no problem to view the microphone as a nearfield...
I need measuring two buzzer working on 40Hz to verify the interaction to the circuit and SPL.
Below is my test schematic figure, I planed to use the free version of TrueRTA to measure the SPL, do any suggestion?
should I prepare rheostat or variometer or varicapacitance to measure the impedance...
I haven't see any commerial VDF change 40hz to 60hz, maybe it should be customized designed.
The total amount of buzzers is about 100 pcs. So the average power consuming maybe more than 300w, and the average current maybe more than 2.5A, the instantaneous current maybe higher.
Because the system...