Hi All,
we are adquiring two power transformers and the value of impedance voltage was specified as 12.25% +-10 but the value after the tests is 14.1%. the question is what are the implications, advantages or disavantages of having a value higher than specified.
best regards...
Hi all,
I was given the formula sheet that the manufacturer of one of my power transformer as used to do all the calculations for the power losses. I ma trying to understand them but some formulas do no tie up. the one I am stuck at the moment is this one:
Ur% = (Pk/Pn)*100
where Ur% is Ohms...
Hi Chris8410,
I have also tried what you sugested, and it does not tie in with the values given by the manufacturer.
the resistance I gave is the average resistance value on one winding. I probably done something wrong...
best regards
Hi Edison123,
You are a Star, this seems to be it. I have used the formula in the 60076 standard for temperature compensation for oil-immersed transformers with reference temperature of 75ºC R75 = Rr*(310/(235+tr)), where Rr is the calculated resistance from the measured resistances and tr is...
I Edison123,
It still does not tie in...
rated currents are 43.3A/2327A, primary resistance is 1.164Ohms and secondary is 0.0005497Ohms and the claimed I^2R losses are 9348W.
I'm lost...
thanks for the help.
best regards
Hi all,
I have a 3ph 2700KVA continuous rating or 12677KVA pulsed at 36KV/670V transformer, I received the test results sheet from the manufacturer and I am trying to go trough the calculations to check it out. They also kindly supplied the formulas that they use for their calculations.