Good Morning!
Recently I've been considering (after nearly experiencing a CO2 shortage that would have shut us down) if it would be possible to substitute N2 for CO2 in a shielding gas mix. We currently use Aragon & CO2. We weld mostly A36 Plate and A500 tube.
Is this a bad idea? Why? What...
@Once - That's a great resource and good to know! Thanks for sharing!
@TugboatEng - Yeah we are working on getting feedback from the tube mill about their impression of what the cause is.
@Once - Its not galvanized, no coatings, but those links might be good to have for future information. We do sometimes produce product that is galvanized.
@EdStainless - We didn't find the cracks till we welded it in to a larger assembly, if the cracks had been noticed before hand we would have surely rejected it. As far as our requirements, we call out A500 Grade B for the part, we don't by the material just the finished part that goes in to our...
Sorry should have included the crack location in my original post, they are occurring on the outside corners of the tube, always on the weld seam side (weld seam of the tube not our weld). I've added two pictures, they are close up to highlight the cracks.
Good Afternoon!
I work for a company that uses a lot of structural tube in our product. Recently we had some 4" X 6" X 1/2" A500 Grade B tubing show cracks after welding, a number of these cracks are away from the weld site. I've spent sometime thinking about this, my weld lead (25+ years...
We are analyzing a joint and are uncertain about our method of choice. I've attached an image.
The vertical member is considered fixed at the upper end, we've decide to take a section through the gussets (Section O-O). We've assumed that our moment arm is the distance from the neutral axis of...
Thanks for your response! It matters because we have a specific Strength Factor (3) we need to hit for certification through our trade association/product certification organization. They require calculations for all components in the load path.
Thanks again
Good Afternoon,
My co-worker and I are working on an analysis that includes a steel tube in bending & axial loading. This tube has two threaded holes through one side (to fasten a small piece of rubber). The section of interest for this particular analysis is through the center line of the...