If the deck collapse started at the wall on the southern end of the deck and then progressed northward toward the building, then why don’t we see the collapsed deck in the TikTok photos posted by Sym P. le above? These photos appear to show sprinkler pipes and drainage pipes that were hanging...
I was silent from August 21 until September 6, when you resurrected your ridicule of me by re-posting my own previous posts above. Why do you insist on abusing people instead of giving your own theories and defending them? Do you enjoy playing god instead of trying to come up with your own...
SFCharlie, see attachment.https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=f7dd3a19-8771-4f01-a521-37c675b3f7b4&file=Photos_for_post_of_6_Sept_21.pptx
OK, guys, forget for a moment about how the objects might have gotten on the debris pile. The photo below shows the objects on the debris pile that happen to be found found at the same location as the objects in the TikTok video. Therefore, at least some of these objects should be the same...
The rebar sticking up in the right hand square is from column 27, otherwise known as column M10. The pile was pushed from M11.1 toward the drive ramp before this photo was taken.
SFCharlie, Thank you for all your work above. I agree with the scale you show. But your green square doesn't agree with any of the objects that I have identified. The downward-pointing arrow to the left of your green square is what I have believed to be an AC condenser. And the arrow below...
SFCharlie, the full video is titled "Recovery Efforts Continue at Surfside Collapse Site", and can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI6Up5Nv70c. The scene from which this photo was taken occurs at 4:45 into the 5:02 long video.
Here is the PNG version of the same photo:
Here is the PowerPoint version of the same photo:https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=17eb6bb0-8a37-49ec-91d5-e546c9494f12&file=Overheads_of_debris_pile_at_end_of_ramp_(zoom_with_slide_in_lower_RH_corner).pptx
It’s me again. But before you begin the ridicule again, please hear me out.
The photo below shows the debris pile that was left at the end of the ramp for two days after everything else was removed. I believe that this was done because the Miami Dade recovery crew believed that the pile...
Just found two more security cameras on the pool deck. Unlike the two cameras found by Kreemerz in Part 2, which appeared to look south directly over the pool area and east to see people approaching the gate to the pool area, these two cameras appear to look south over the pool deck between the...
After reading the Miami Herald article “Surfside tower was flawed from day one” found by SFCharlie, it sure sounds like the CTS building was poorly designed and poorly constructed and was ready to collapse at any moment. But the article does hedge a bit, stating that “Although the trigger is...