I may be getting involved in a project where there is extensive deterioration of the concrete and rebars in a 10" conc slab. Approximately 500 localized areas of 1 to 5 square foot repairs. The depths of the repairs will likely vary and be up to 2 to 3" at some areas. In the past we've specified...
The columns is HSS 8x8. I like the idea of beating it flat and welding a reinf plate. The contractor specifically asked for this type of repair detail as it's what they've been using and what the client was expecting as far as cost. And I am comfortable with it.
I am working on a small project to reinforce the base of an HSS column that was impacted by a forklift 15 years ago......
The tenant is moving out and it's part of their lease agreement to repair it.
Under normal circumstances I would just weld cover plates or angles to the corners and extend...
I am working on a proposal for new design for a 5 story apartment building. First story will be precast concrete with a 4 story wood structure above.
The building is proposed to be 153,000 square feet, about 34k sq ft on each floor. I've attached a few photos below. If I base the fee on approx...
I wanted to provide an update on what I've done so far:
I used TEDDS to calculate the Ix of my joist using the section builder:
Then I did the same thing for 18H8 out of the 1967 Ceco catalog, for which I have the section properties of the chords as a sanity check:
The Ceco catalog has the...
Hey everyone, I received a response from SJI.
Their response:
"The joists you have presented look most similar to Butler (non-SJI) products. Attached is everything we have for this company. The information provided and the comments made concern a company that was not a member of the Steel...
I also came across this Butler joist truss purlin catalog from a friend. Some of the bottom chord thicknesses and web members thicknesses are what I measured but the depths are not. I wouldn't think that the joists would be overstressed sharing 1700# across three joists but they are. I'm basing...
I have a project where the client is planning to add a 1,700 pound RTU on an existing roof. The proposed RTU is 115"x64" with the long direction perpendicular to the roof joists preferred. I've attached a sketch of the layout. There is a 8" CMU wall that can be taken advantage of if necessary...
I am reviewing some architectural plans to provide markups and wanted to get people's thoughts on some roof framing. I've attached a screenshot of the framing. There is a vaulted ceiling at one side of the house and tray at the other. There are some struts provided with H10S connectors for...
In this case, it's a four seasons room sorry. There is an existing three seasons room replacing with four seasons room and they want to potentially add a second story addition at some point. i forgot to mention that, thanks for reminding me.
I'm looking at Table R602.10.5 of 2018 IRC and see the portal header height is 18" for a 9' wall height, for a continuously sheathed portal frame. Idk if I'm interpreting this table correctly but where is it showing the minimum panel length?
So the best approach here is to just have a steel moment frame and have the joists sit on that and everything tied together at the top. I didn't check the shear walls yet, but 1'5" long x 9' high sheathed walls likely aren't adequate even though lateral loading is relatively small.
I'm designed a small three seasons room addition to a house and had a question regarding shear walls. The addition is 20'x9'x9'(H), see attached files. There are windows around the perimeter of the room. At first I was thinking of running headers below and over the windows(between the posts, so...
That is correct the chloride is by eight of the cement. I would say the result of salting during the winter. The building is in the north. The rooms below the affected area are boiler rooms and laundry. I didn't test the humidity in those rooms. To answer your question I think the top of the...