A client of mine (City) has a retaining wall that we inspected (as part of a larger inspection program) that is failing. The wall ranges from 2-6ft tall and supports a 2-lane road. The wall appears to be L-shaped CIP concrete and there is undermining/washout that has occurred in multiple spots...
Thanks for the responses. I didn't get email notifications, hence my delay in responding.
The reinforcing flange plates are two individual strips of plate. We do not have a hole cut out in the middle since it doesn't really benefit us to do so, and actually makes the length longer...
I will fully admit to being rusty on the subject since I don't deal with it (hardly ever) and it's been a long time since school...
If I have a soldier pile (W-beam) with a hole in it for a tieback, and I want to reinforce the flanges to make up for the loss of the section at the hole, I would...
Fence is on a sidewalk, above a retaining wall that is > 3ft fall distance without the fence. The City currently has fence along this area for a mile of roadway. I agree that it feels to me like it should actually be a pedestrian railing, but for the sake of this argument, I'm trying to sort out...
In AASHTO section 13.8.2, it discusses pedestrian railings as it pertains to the application of LL and WL.
I am curious about the case where you have a chain link fence that has no top 'rail' - only a tension wire. See attached for example from WSDOT.
The tension wire is clearly incapable of...
We are designing a pile supported slab that supports a building structure. The columns from the building sit directly above where the piles are with a 12" slab between to two elements.
In timber design, for shear, you can ignore loads placed within "d" of the support, where "d" is the depth of...
i think concrete here is running $600/yd or so.
my understanding of AASHTO and IBC/ASCE 7 is that you are to apply your railing load in a manner to produce the worst case outcome (including using 0.9D for selfweight). agree?
design of the sidewalk (by others) is 5ft x 4" thick. when you sum moments about the corner of the sidewalk, it overturns due to a 4'-6" railing height and 50plf horizontal, vertical, + 200lb point load.
We've been asked to check the use of a side-mounted handrail that will attach to a turn-down edge of sidewalk (5ft wide sidewalk). Project requires the use of AASHTO which shows 200lb point load + 50 PLF line load applied + 50 PLF line load in the direction of gravity. We can...
Are there any design guidelines and/or examples of how to calculate the capacity of a stake (rebar or 2x4) driven into the ground a few feet to support a knee brace for formwork windload? I'm sure if we ran an AllPile analysis, the capacity will be quite low, but in reality, it's pretty reasonable.
We are analyzing a trapeze support for MEP supports in a seismic zone. One of the elements of the trapeze is a threaded rod.
In reviewing the rod specifications, it has a safe working load of 5. (SWL = ultimate / 5)
I know that different industries and applications have minimum required FoS...
We are designing a secant pile shaft that's about 100ft deep. The contractor will use it to launch a tunnel boring machine for a tunneling project. The TBM will use hydraulic jacks to advance casing in the soil. Max loads applied is 2000 kips. We are checking various components of our shaft as a...
a contractor we're doing work for recently placed concrete in a 10ft deep, 3ft diameter shaft for a timber pole foundation. the intent of the concrete is to increase the passive bearing area to the diameter of the shaft instead of just the diameter of the pole, so we're not super concerned with...
i'm dredging up this thread for one more question regarding strapping.
i'm now done with the retrofit of my basement, and am moving onto the garage where there is a bad softstory due to double 9x7 garage door openings and very narrow walls on either side of the door openings. from my basement...