Maybe this will help: IEEE Std C62.22TM-2009
PS Found this paper as well:,to%20a%20poor%20soil%20conductivity.
Assuming you have a MV or HV circuit breaker w/ no "brains", the relay is the brains. So, there will be a slight delay between relay sensing, and the relay issuing a trip command. So it would actually be longer than 2 sec, unless you included the opening time of the breaker.
There are usually interlocks between a VFD, load side disconnect and the VFD itself (I've never used a starter on the load side of a VFD, but have installed disconnects on the load side of a VFD for local isolation). Drives don't like switching actions on the load side of their terminals while a...
Consider the withstand time of the resistor. A 400A resistor is pretty common, having a 10 second withstand. Extended time ratings means more $$$.
I use this:
I would just add to dpc's commentary: close-coupled switchgear, i.e. perhaps a power style transformer that is a few feet away from a switchgear lineup, will likely have a SLG fault current (3*Io) greater than the 3PH fault current. As dpc addresses above, this is cause for concern.
Right or wrong...I used the following:
<5% VTHD
<33% ITHD
Anything above those #'s, I would look into filtering if operational/equipment issues were noticed, etc. I hadn't experienced any operational down-sides to those #'s, but your mileage may vary depending on your installation.
If I'm not mistaken, if a UPS fails, it will want to transfer from the inverter/rectifier to its static bypass. Maybe this is why the time delay on your UV release didn't work.
Is the UPS operating in "energy savings" mode rather than double conversion? I wonder if there is some issue w/ syncing as previously mentioned. If it is operating in D-C mode, then maybe an issue with the rectifier/inverter?