thank you for your response RMW and Bribyk. Just looking for positive feedback like yours. thanks again. will like to check our competitors websites for info.
Dont mean to have an attitude but i am just asking for help and my shop is male dominated and they dont want any women knowing what they know. ALL i'm asking for is where i might go to research the design and building process on my own so i dont have to bother anyone at work. Do you know of any...
Because MR. MONTEMAYOR i am a WOMAN and i work in the office and would like to increase my knowledge and possibly move out into the shop. Except all the MEN wont share any of their mechanical knowledge with me so i am seeking outside help from people like you, if you have any info or advice of...
i just started a job in a manufacturing plant that makes Air cooled heat exchangers and would like to know the step by step process of manufacturing air coolers
I have just started a job in a manufacturing plant that makes air cooled heat exchangers and would like to know step by step process of making an air coolers.