Hi all, when I create a surface in Hypermesh, why can I only create an exterior surface similar to a skin, and how can I select the interior surface of element? It is similar to the ‘All Entities’ option when creating surfaces in Abaqus. As shown in the picture below. How can this selection...
Hi all, I have defined node symmetry boundary constraints in Abaqus/Standard 3D (e.g. the plane of symmetry is the XY plane and I constrain the Z-direction movement of the set of nodes that lie on the plane of symmetry), but they still produce a movement in the Z-direction! Can anyone help with...
Hello everyone, I am doing a simulation of orthogonal metal cutting process using CEL method. To make sure the simulation is better, I found a very good SCI paper for reference, but unfortunately I didn't reproduce the perfect chip simulation in the author's paper, the picture below shows the...
FEA way, My dear friend. Thank you very much for your answer. I read a lot of literature that the ALE method doesn't need to specify the chip separation criteria, so I didn't set up the damage model and turned off the element deletion. I saw that there is a blogger on YouTube...
Hi everyone, I've recently been using Abaqus/Explicit to do a finite element simulation of 2D metal cutting using the ALE method, and I've seen a blogger on YouTube do a similar simulation(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wVFSw94Rkk). Still, his results are much more normal than mine. Doesn't...
Hi, everyone. I want to ask a question about the JC damage model that has been bothering me for a while now, and I feel that it might turn my previous knowledge upside down. Is the strain value calculated by the Johnson-Cook damage model used in Abaqus software the fracture strain? Or is it the...
Hello, everyone. I carried out the finite element simulation of the metal cutting process in Abaqus/Explicit, but there was a serious error report in the mesh distortion, and the simulation was aborted. Later, I reduced the mesh size by half, and the failure displacement was also reduced, but...
Hi, FEA way, My operating system is win10, and I do the Abaqus/explicit simulation. I have searched the "newest hotfix for Abaqus2022" just now, but it seemed there was no suitable fix for Abaqus2022 yet[sad].
Hi all, My computer has 2 cores(4 logical processors), and I set the number of multiple processors in Abaqus is 4. I submitted the job in Abaqus2021, and it ran well, but it was aborted and prompted the errors as I submitted the job in Abaqus2022. The error was "The number of cups (4) exceeds...