Exporting ETABS files as f2k file into SAFE, choosing static & response spectra case,I find on clicking points to check the actual loads exported we find wind loads & response spectra case actually not exported, what do we do?? Any idea
I have got the answer: It is in the units displayed in main screen, so 0.8 in Knm unit is 0.8 m/sqsec in X direction.
What is human comfort acceleration?? any idea.
I think that is the reason Tuned mass dampner are provided in very tall bldg, to reduce acc against excitation due to cyclonic winds.
ETABS when displays story acceleration values, what does that value physical mean. Example:
in UX direction acceleration of 0.8 means acceleration in X direction is 0.8 x g??
Can anybody confirm
Thanks in advance
I got the way for my above problem:
There is a provision to cutmoize the menu using keyboard( right click on tools icon arrow, you see customize menu, cutomize with keyboard is one of option )
Diplay % of long reing bars on screen & customize with any control alphabet key. Control key shall...
After completing RC design of frame columns & beams, it immediately displays amount of longitudinal steel, I wish to to immediately see % of longitudinal steel.
Is there a way you can control default display of rc design output??
I am usually interested in % of longitudinal steel at first glance, program always displays total longitudinal reinforcement!!
Any technique??
K value as calculated by ETABS is a very big issue. It does no account for skew beams, I think it does not account for slab stifness. I usually overwrite K value for all standard floor to floor col as 1.0.
Just wondering to apply member offset on one side equal to beam depth. This would...
How do we define in ETABS that clear col ht to be considered for design is equal to floor ht minus depth??
On RC design it considers col ht = floor ht, hence slenderness values go up.
Any idea??
I tried to do the first method you suggested yesterday. Pasted into excel spread sheet. I am developing a small algorithm to choose max & min forces for P M2 & M3.
I can then use these to check same with manual design spreadsheet.
Appears to be a long task!!
Can we extract the design forces of any element into an excel sheet??
If yes, can anybody explain how?? This would be extremely handy to optimize design manually using spread sheets.
Thanks PicoStruc & MarkHirschi:
I agree with you.
What is Virtual work facility in ETABS, do you use it??
Mark your suggestion on Auto seismic loads did work.
ETABS user:
Can anybody suggest best way to optimize RC design of multi-storey buildings, particularly columns & shear wall??
Can virtual work done help??
Thanks in advance [bigsmile]