I'm looking for guidance on containment for a 15,000 gallon steel tank to store 25% sodium hydroxide. I have specified a double-wall tank in lieu of a containment bund. I received an inquiry from the tank supplier asking if a "tight-wrapped double walled containment" is acceptable in lieu of...
Another idea that's been suggested is to pre-fill the tank with enough water so that when the truck pumps 50% into the tank, the resulting solution in the tank is 25%. This seems simple, but I know you have to make sure the solution is constantly mixed or it will blow up and kill everybody or...
I'm designing bulk caustic storage facilities for an existing 2 MGD water treatment plant. The plant currently receives bulk caustic shipments in 50 gallon drums and dilutes it to 25% in a day tank prior to feeding. Client would like to switch to tank truck delivery, so the obvious solution is...
I'm designing a new 0.5 MG elevated tank, which will be filled from an existing distribution system by a 10-inch line. I need an altitude valve to prevent the tank from overflowing. I've seen two different arrangements:
1. A single-acting (one-way flow) altitude valve with a bypass check...
Construction cost estimating is not my forte. My go-to methods are RS Means and emailing reps. My firm attempts to compile bid price records from previous projects, which is extremely helpful when I find relevant items; however, I often find this resource lacking.
Most of the estimating I do...
I had an operator claim that covers require a lot of maintenance and therefore don't really result in a net benefit over periodic manual cleanings.
What maintenance could there be for a cover?
What are your opinions on algae control in secondary clarifiers? Some of the alternatives I know/have heard of are:
1. Install a cover over the entire clarifier
2. Install sun shades for the effluent troughs only
3. Install an automatic brush/cleaning system
4. Increase manual cleaning frequency
OK. Just heard back from the sales rep. She misunderstood (or maybe I did) the company's reason for not providing zinc primers for immersion environments. It actually has nothing to do with health risks. She sent me a copy of a technical bulletin explaining their stance.
Basically, they...
I'm specifying an elevated tank repainting. Right now, I'm going with AWWA Interior Coating System #5 (ICS-5) for the interior wet area of the tank. ICS-5 consists of a zinc-rich primer and epoxy intermediate and finish coats. All paints must be ANSI/NSF Standard 61 approved for immersion in...
"If your line pressure reads 5 psi after the valve, the total energy in the fluid is actually higher, so you will not taking 75 psi across the valve."
I'm not following you here. If the pressure is 80 psi before the valve and 5 psi after the valve, then there is a 75 psi pressure drop across...
I'm not concerned about the pressure on the discharge side of the valve; rather, I'm concerned about the pressure gradient across the valve. Based on my analysis, the valve will have to impart a 75 psi pressure drop. To do this, it will be barely opened and thus susceptible to cavitation...
The filters are gravity sand filters. The backwash water flows up through the filters (opposite of normal flow), and exits through backwash troughs.
I estimated the head loss through the filter to be around 5 ft (2.2 psi) based off the attached chart. I'm assuming that backwash flow will...
I'm working on a small surface WTP design. Instead of providing a pumped filter backwash system, we're looking at running a line from an on-site elevated tank and installing a flow control valve.
One concern I have is the flow control valve wearing out. It will have to provide a significant...
A client of ours is having a pretty bad FOG problem at its WWTP, which is causing a number of headaches. One such headache is the build up of a floating sludge layer that shows up in the anaerobic selector tanks (see attached picture...